Drabble tiem a gogo

Feb 21, 2009 10:25


Or if you already have, you can totally do so again, I am stuck here for seven more hours and thirty minutes. *A*;;

Anyway, this one's for Mai, who requested some dysfunctional family fighting over pizza and I didn't feel like fitting it into a comment or two, so--

It was a normal girl facing down a half-demonic entity, both sets of eyes narrowed and both bodies tensed for action. In most situations, Sabrina would have laid money on the demonic one winning this fight, but his opponent was normal only in terms of mortality.

No, Adachi Emiri wasn't going to back down so easily. Not when so much was at stake.

"... Come on, Dante-san, you had the last five pieces! This one's mine!"

Dante raised both eyebrows and shook his head, a smirk resting complacently on his lips. "Hey, it's not my fault you're too damned slow. And Sabrina took that third one."

At this, Emiri looked at Sabrina, who swallowed hard and shot a glare at Dante.

"Gee thanks, Dante, pin the blame on me. See if I ever zap you some--" Hastily remembering that one of their party still didn't know her secret, she fumbled for a second, and then recovered. "... Pizza. Zap you some pizza ever again. Seriously, it's much better when the cheese is all melting and..."

Sabrina's wistful description was not helping the two quarrelers, both of whom were staring at that last piece of pizza as if it held the secrets of the world.

"The point," Emiri said at last and with great dignity, "is that you are a giant pizza hog and I am very kindly sparing you from an early death of clogged arteries. Even if they are demonic."


"Teresa-san won't love you anymore when you're fat."

"Yeah, and Kazoo will never date you when you're fat."

"I'll never eat as much as you do, you pepperoni-stealing bastard!!"

"A growing boy needs his--"

"Don't give me that. I had one piece, and you've had six."

"Seven's a good number to end on."

"Guys," Sabrina tried, as she almost thought she could see fiery auras surrounding them. "Aren't you making too much of a big deal out of this? You could always split it." Or maybe she could snag it for herself. It was a shame for friends to fight over something so small, anyway. She'd be sparing them pain and regret in the long run!

Murmuring a brief incantation under her breath, the witch flicked a finger at the slice, causing it to slowly rise into the air and waft in her direction. Dante and Emiri were too busy arguing to notice, and soon it landed in her palm.

... Or, it would have, had Vergil not abruptly reached out to snatch it and bring it to his mouth to bite off the end.

All three people switched their glares to him. Far from fazed, Vergil shrugged and gave them a bored look.

"If you're going to make so much pointless babble, I'll end it myself."

The next instant, Dante was reaching for his sword while Sabrina gazed mournfully at the pizza disappearing into Vergil's mouth, and Emiri seized her cup of water and upended it over his head.

"Never," she darkly informed the angrily squeaking hedgehog, "come between a girl and comfort food. Come on, Sabrina, we can snag some more from the tree."

She stomped off with the older girl in tow and Dante taking off after them to make sure they didn't strip his precious resource entirely.

Vergil, dripping wet and miserable, gnawed on his pizza slice and vowed revenge.


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