Drabble #1

Nov 07, 2008 16:56

Requested by Manda, taken from here, requests still open until I get that list filled, etc.

Enjoy your Cooking!Emiri with accomplice Yuuta!


"Wha--?!" Not having expected Yuuta's perky voice to come from right behind her, Emiri almost hit him with her spoon when she turned. She caught herself just in time, taking a deep breath and giving him her full attention. "What is it, Yuuta-kun?"

"Nothing, really~!" He peered around her at the bowl of... whatever she'd been stirring. Whatever it was, he didn't think it was supposed to look like something one would expect to find at the bottom of a lake. "Are you cooking?"

"Yep! It's soup for everyone, but especially for Kazu-sama!" Emiri surveyed her handiwork with a proud smile, choosing to ignore the occasional "blurb" it made for seemingly no reason at all.

"Is he sick?" And if he is, won't that just make him feel worse?

She shook her head, muttering something about thinning out the soup and pouring some water into the bowl. "It's garlic soup." To emphasize, she dropped six cloves in. "With that article about vampires and Kazu-sama's picture, and I know he's been bitten before... well, vampires don't like garlic, right? If everyone eats this, they'll be so full of it their blood will be garlicky!"

"I get it!" Yuuta lit up. "So vampires won't want to bite you guys!"


"Can I help? I bet we can put some spices in it to make it even better!"

Emiri gave his hair a sisterly ruffle. "Sure, I could use the company."

"Then let's do it, Emicchi~!"

"For Kazu-sama and Kogarasumaru!!"

The soup's color had gone from green to a creamy white by the time they were finished, and Yuuta was relieved to note that there were no further noises coming from it.

And it had only taken five hours.

"... Whew!" Emiri rubbed her forehead, giving her cooking partner a nod of approval. "That's five pounds of garlic we don't have to find a use for. Good job, Yuuta-kun!"

"It was fun!" Yuuta chirped, holding up two fingers in victory. "What do we do now, Emicchi?"

She thought this over, then grinned. "Get pizza. That leaves more soup for the guys."


Sadly, an ungrateful Ikki approached his teammate after dinner and asked her to please, PLEASE leave cooking and garlic control up to Akito.

The next day, he woke up buried under a mountain of garlic.


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