Apr 29, 2005 23:35
so i only have one exam left and i just got back from work and i'm exhausted.
i might as well take this time to say a few things to some people before they go away for what looks from here to be a long, long summer...and we dont have yearbooks...if we did, it would be 10 BA-ZILLION pages long and way to heavy to carry around...
kristen- it's awesome we became friends this semester. you understand most of my jokes, and you put up with me...which amazes me. probably the only thing i will miss about this semester is college algebra...*sniff* take care, enjoy your summer, call me and PEACE OUT.
twins- ...hm. i guess you read this more often that i thought...let's break this up...
sam- wow. there isn't really much more i can say. but i'll try..you seem to always be happy, even when the situation doesn't call for it. your obsession over harry potter still confuses me but i have grown to accept it and who knows, maybe i will even surrender next year and let you read it to me or something. you're always a joy to see and hang with and i only wish i had more time.
cordy- wow. i never would have thought that we would click like we do. our personalities tend to have some overlaps and it's rare for me to find someone like that. your laid-back vibes(except when you are freaking out about speeches or other social-type deals...i dont blame you, sometimes i'm the same way...again OVERLAP!) are refreshing and i regret not trying to hang out with you more. your obsession with Star Trek, like the Harry Potter, still confuses me...but who knows, you might convert me sometime in the future and we can watch the old episodes together or something. more to say but i think yours is the longest thus far so i guess it will have to wait. enjoy the time off, call me every now and then (or get sam to since phone calls aren't really your thing i guess), and we will talk soon.
regi- you waste of life. i dont think i have met anyone i can just sit around and do waste my life with...i think we ahve spent more hours sitting around playing video games or watching tv or sleeping...than is probably healthy for an individual to do. you're a good friend, a true friend, and i hope this frienship lasts as long as possible. ok, enough about you, i see you practically every day..
...i'll see you sometime over the summer...eat shit.
poulson- first, congrads on almost turning me into a vegetarian. but i do like-a my steak. you have turned my diet around from mostly crap...to know sometimes the sight of some of the shit i ate makes me sick. you're an amazingly level-headed person who i have always been able to come to for advice, a funny joke or maybe just some guidance...you're a great person and i am luck to have been able to get to know you.
OK you guys...take care of yourselves, enjoy life and everyday you live it, do something nice for someone every day, and dot fucking forget about me...
you guys have been my heart and soul this year and i appreciate everything you have done.