(no subject)

Aug 11, 2010 08:05

Assignment A -Orientation

Project 1- Madame C.J.. Walker was the first person/ woman to own a black cosmetology school.
Project 2- Hair colorists, texture specialist, cutting specialist, distributor, sales consultant
Project 3- The difference between personality and attitude. Your attitude is the overall outward reflection of your personality.
Project 4- Short term- getting through an exam successfully, graduated from the school and to pass drivers licence test. Long term you will own a salon in 5 years get married in 7 year and own a house in 10 years.
Project 5- Prioritize, keep good time management and have great ethics.
Projects 6- Know and abide by the salons tardy or late policies you can still take a client if you don’t have any others you can schedule them to be the last app of the day.
Project 7- Be a problem solver, get your facts straight, don’t lie, wear shoes.
Assignment B
Project 1- Quaternary ammonium compounds are very safe and useful disinfectant.
Project 2- Stop service wear gloves clean injury, bandage, clean workstation, double bag, put in bio hazard container disinfect tools and implements.
Project 3- Sanitation: removal of all visible dirt and debris.
Disinfection: chemical agents that destroy all bacteria fungi and viruses.
Sterilization: complete elimination of all microbial life including spores.
Project 4- A set of guidelines published by OSHA that require the employer and the employee to assume that all human blood and body fluids are infectious for blood borne pathogens.
Assignment C Properties of H&S
Project 1- Canities-:technical term for grey hair
Ringed hair:alternation bands of grey and pigmented hair.
Hypertrichosis: abnormal hair growth.
Trichptilosis: split ends
Trichrrhexisnodosa knotted hair, brittle
Monilethrix:beaded hair breaks easily
FragilitasCrinium:brittle hair
Project 2- Endbond chemical bond that joins amino acids to each other end to end to form a polypeptide chain. Sidebond can be weak or strong oxidation with neutralizer
Project 3- Eumelanin provides brown and black color to hair. Pheomelanin provides colors ranging from red to yellow blonde tones
Project 4- Keratinization process by which newly formed cells in the hair bulb mature fill with keratin move upward lose their nucleus and die.
Project5- Natural replacement would be scalp massagers and vitamins.
Assignment D Anatomy and Physiology
project 1 metabolism- a chemical process that takes place in living organisms, where by cells are nourished and carry out their activities
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