victory is sweet

Aug 20, 2009 21:18

TKGS vs North Vista
35 - 30

B Division 2010's first match together.
My confidence is definitely increasing.
I am sure that we can and will make it into Nationals and get top 2 for East Zones.
(I seriously feel pumped up.)

Go team!



School has been like crap recently, but trainings has been the funnest, ever.

Hazel: What's the difference between Hindu and Tamil ah?

Me: ...Huh.

Hazel: No, I really don't know the difference!

Me: Hazel...Hindu is a religion and Tamil is a language?

Hazel: NO, NO, both's a language what! REALLY.


Things get even better when we question Suganthi about Hindi and Tamil.
She gets so irritated because we keep asking her.

Suganthi: Then tell me what's the difference between Cantonese and Hokkien!

Qi An: Both are differen dialects?

Suganthi: Ya la, THEN?!


Suganthi: ...

Cheryl keeps teasing Suganthi about her class tee.
Hazel and I keep talking about muscles.
Cassie insists that she is not muscular and not fit when she actually is.

I skipped 1600 times on Monday because Ms. Koh told me not to do stairs because of my knee.
She made me skip until the team was done with stairs.
She came into the foyer when I did 1400 skips and she told me to do 100 more and call the team back because they were "taking too long".
I did 200 more and told Rachel to go tell the team, instead.

And on Tuesday-
500 double leg hop forward;
500 double leg hop backward;
500 right leg forwards;
500 left leg backwards.

Those who did not clockbelow 15 minutes for 2.8km had to do suicides.
I didn't finish it so I've to do it, as well.
Suganthi, Cassie, Cheryl, Audrey, Qi An, Hazel and I did it.
Hazel being Hazel, made a fool of herself.
I was doing the second lap of suicides when suddenly Hazel disappeared from my view and I was wondering !@?#$ then I turned back and realised that dear Hazel ran back to the 10m line and not the base line.


Hazel: OMG SHIT.

Anyways, I came in first, followed by Suganthi and Cassie so we didn't have to continue with suicides.
I don't think Hazel will ever forget it.
Anyways, Hazel cleared next and it went on.
Hazel is damn freaking fast I swear.

Sorry Hazel that you sprained your ankle.
I feel kind of guilty 'cause you were defending me?


Thanks Colette for coming to support today.


Oh yeah, Bridge is fun.

netball, trainings are the funniest, victory

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