(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 12:16

just a quick little update on the off chance people still know i exist. Im currently down in the oh so lovely Ft. Jackson. I have completed my basic combat training and advanced individual training (AIT) I am now awaiting a slot at jump school down at Benning to open up so i can get my airborne training AIRBORNE!!!! YEAAAAHHH!!! anyway, ive been down in this bitch for a hot minute. I have seen the worst heat and humidity of my life during basic training in the summer months and now as i approach the holliday season, im starting to feel the colder side of life in the south (if you can actually call it cold)

On a very positive note, i will be returning home to the little town of smithsburg for a few weeks during christmas time i should be arriving around the 19th or 20th of december and leaving again around the 2nd or 3rd of january. If anyone wants to hang out or see me you can just give me a ring. my cell is

1-(803) 237 0418

i miss some of you and the others well i just wont bother with them, yeah you know who you are.
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