[Over on Route 32/33 there is a Rhyme and her little Teddiursa fighting some pokemon. What's so special about this you ask? Well right after destroying yet another pokemon, Teddiursa begins to glow and change. Cue Evolution theme.
At the end of the evolution there is a terrifying Roar and where the once adorable bear cub was now, stands
a giant
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So that's what it looks like when they evolve? Whew.
It makes some sense though, since bear cubs eventually have to grow up.
[ At all. He lets his Pokemon fight whatever they encounter between towns, and sometimes takes them to the edge of Violet for a bit of lazy training, but Hanekoma's been more interested in chilling with his cheap coffee and Pokemart job than catching 'em all. ]
I've got a cat, a fish, a duck, and a balloon.
[ A Meowth, Psyduck, Magikarp and Drifloon. Definitely an interesting team for an uninterested Angel barista to go running around with. ]
Java's the only one I'm really fond of, though. Your bear got a name?
[Rhyme's not really the nicknaming kind of person.]
You got any badges yet? I haven't, but the fish is sure to evolve soon, and I don't wanna end up like Phones.
[ Neku's Gyarados doesn't seem all too obedient. ]
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