I don't even know. Don't ask me where this came from. My guess is: far too much revision of the requiem...
-glances at score-
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I BRING YOU (insert overdone drum-roll here, preferably including the percussionist dropping their sticks):
Pingu and the Revenge of the Demonic Hungry Seal. -clears throat-
As creator of this video, I am not to be blamed for general expressions of the what the f--- variety, nor am I responsible for any mental scarring which may occur, the loss of just over two minutes of one's life, and/or the explosion of several brain cells in response to such absurd, humourous stupidity.
I hereby declare that upon clicking the link above, the viewer takes on full responsbility for the aforementioned conditions.
Therefore, click if you dare.
Okay, drama over now. X3