My first Harry Potter music video. I need to find a comm. to post these too (undoubtedly there will be more) -- does anyone know of any? I'm watching a community for HP fic, but don't know one for videos.
Anyway, this is mostly PoA (with a tiny splash of OotP), set to One Simple Idea from the Inception soundtrack. It's pretty much gen, unless your slash goggles are fimly in place. In which case, there is definitely squint-worthy Remus/Sirius. I'm pretty sure I only see it because I ship them like crazy.
Click to view
(I figured out how to embed, I feel so smart.)
I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out -- any feedback would be lovely. <3
EDIT: For some reason, it's cutting off the edge of the video. Must be my journal style.