Apr 13, 2004 23:06
Woke up too eaRLy
Went to bReakfast and Lunch
Went to TiLLy's...my sweateR is on saLe (didnt buy it)
Got my tax RetuRns, I get 247 back. Its gonna go towaRds my system...maybe if I dont spend it befoRe.
aLso got 500 back fRom my caR but that money gets to go to insuRence. So on that note iLL be POOR as a mofo again. Im pooR but I spend money Like im a miLLionaiR. Aww yea!
Went to woRk at 5 and some oLd faRt kept fLiRting with me and pRoceeded to say I was "beautifuL" a miLLion times untiL i feLt uncomfoRtabLe. He Left and I was HAPPY. Cashed out and cLeaned in 10 minutes. I wanted out of theRe.
Im thinking about taking woRk off foR a week. fRom July 6 (foR waRped) to the 13th. I dont know if thats gonna go weLL with the owneR but OH WELL...That week has to be fun. iLL go to waRped on the 6th then on the 10th its my biRthday. I think duRing that time Im gonna go on a mini tRip...PaLm spRings oR somewheRe fun to ReLax. Sounds Like a good pLan huh? HopefuLLy...
TomoRRow its schooL again...bLah, gotta go cause I did aLL my homewoRk and it wouLd be a waste. Then afteR schooL a nap sounds good. oR something ReLaxing! and Im gonna eat Chinese foR dinneR, house speciaL chicken with white Rice and its gonna be YUMMY...