Graar Monday Graaar List?
- Knocked 8 more coasters off the Brian and Marie Ride All The Roller Coasters quest at Six Flags New England. Chilly day, cute park, short lines. [Edit: this takes us up to 11% of all coasters in the US!]
- Fellow Clarionite Thom Dunn showed us briefly around Jamaica Plains, his neighborhood of Boston. Excellent food and whisky and omg he has such an awesome apartment.
- No one tell coach I drank the night before a game.
- Boston's Science Museum is much bigger than Cleveland's. (Much like Boston's everything else.) But not enough space stuff!
- Planetariums are still amazing.
- Also they had a lovely solar system display outside the planetarium. With little cotton galaxies on the wall. LUVS.
- Tod and Gina graciously watched the entire game despite zero interest in football. (I tried to explain something after the game and got "Which one is the center?" "What's the offense?" "Oh, okay, the girl with the ball on the ground.") I can't imagine sitting through three hours of cold football with a baby and a dog in the car! What great friends! I heard you cheering, guys!
- Brunch with Tod and Gina at lovely local place.
- Brian got to take pictures of art deco architecture. WTG Boston post office.
- Alright alright we lost. GRUMP.
- Three very excellent hotel rooms.
- Board games with Tod and Gina at their hotel room. With whisky.
- Playing 'follow the trailer' through Boston. Adorb little liquor store where whisky was obtained also had gourmet chocolates that were NOM.
- Random adorable Italian restaurant in Utica! Open on Easter! Woot woot!
- GAH speeding ticket. GRUMP GRUMP
- I did write poems. They are on slips of paper in the interior pocket of the coat I wore in Boston. Will post them when I, the slips, and an internet connection are all in the same place with some time to spare.
Feeling really beat now after all the long trip and all the adventure. You can definitely say Brian and I know how to cram as much as possible into a three day road trip! BOOYAH. Or, to quote Brian, "Why do we keep doing things like this?"
Because we can. Woop woop.