Jul 02, 2005 16:57
finally, it has stopped raining. unfortunately, it's hot now.
when i say hot, i mean like 80f. i'm from florida, i shouldn't complain. oh, and they don't even know what humidity is over here. so it's all good.
well, robby and katie left this morning, so i'm all alone again. poor me. at least monica should be here on the fifth... hopefully. we'll see. the program starts in just a few days, so i'm desperately memorizing the last tiny little bit of my opera. it's really hard to memorize without being able to sing... REALLY hard. but i'm somewhat accomplishing it.
well, today i woke up around 9, ate breakfast, watched the sound of music...again... (you can't escape that movie over here), went up to linzergasse for a kebab, came back to the hostel to study some more, and decided to take a walk... so here i am.
nothing really interesting planned... i think i might just walk around the altstadt for a while, listen to some of the musicians, then either go to mirabell garten or down to the salzach and do some more memorizing.
btw, i finished Da Vinci code today. it's worth a read, even though the writing is pretty childish at times... and it resolves very poorly. i like a lot of the ideas presented in it... but of course, i always love finding things to hurl at the church, so i could just be biased. definitely planning on reading his other books and looking more in to some of the stuff presented in the book when i get home. we'll see.
well friends, i'm going to get along with my adventure. until next time, i bid adieu to you, and you, and you... agh... get it out of my head!!!