Oct 03, 2005 13:53
Welp, I figure it's time for another update, for all you that still
check this thing out.
State feels good this semester, no more stuff like happened in the
last. So far I've had an exam in each of my classes, and know the
grades of 3 of them.
Biology, I got a 4.0 on the test and have a 4.0 in the class.
Logic, I got a 4.0 on the test and have a 4.0 in the class.
Spanish, I got a 3.5 on the test and have a 3.5 in the class.
Statistics, I'm not sure on either but I'm expecting a 2.0-3.5.
My hardest class is statistics, but hopefully it won't be too bad. It definetely feels good to be doing so good though.
Jason moved up here for work recently, and it's nice to have him so
close. True, it'll suck on breaks, times when I'd usually be near him
more and not less, but I still like it better. It hasn't gotten in the
way of school yet and I don't plan to let it either, if anything it's
helped having someone who cares so near so much... while I don't really
see him much more than I did before (still mostly just weekends only),
it just feels better, nicer. Knowing he's so close is comforting, in a
way... he's just 10 minutes instead of an hour away should I need him.
I also like being able to take care of him of sorts, doing a little
cooking and cleaning here and there and the like.
Anyway, I suppose that suffices as an update for the time being. Hope it finds all you in good health and humor. :)