[there's some static in the background.]
It seems like everyone else is introducing themselves, so I figured it's expected of me to do the same.
Right. Introductions.
Greetings; my name is Hisagi Shuuhei. I am twenty-two years old, and my birthday is August 14th, and I'm from around Claiborne...
[a pause, and then awkward laughterah. sorry
Read more... )
*laughs* I gots no idea vhen my birthday iz, before hyu ask.
might it be too much to ask what position you are on the Serenity?
{laughs] ah. that's quiet alright: I do not know what came over me for me to broadcast that to the crew.
Nice to meet you, Jenka!
Mebbe hyu vos just hopink for some free booze or cake on hyu birthday, hmm?
Vhere hyu grow op, keed?
I grew up in a town near Claiborne- it's so small that most people won't know what it was anyway, haha. I was with the Ivona Military until now!
[ laughs] The free cake and booze sounds real nice, but my birthday's still awhile yet!
I'm up for grabbing booze anytime, though! It's more fun to drink with companions, anyways.
Ivonan military, hmmm? I've had some fun encounters vith dem. *happy growl*
Vot brings hyu here, den?
Yah, I tink Dimo'z invitink everyvun around for drinks. Hyu comink?
I... joined the military to repay a debt. Someone saved my ass when I was still around Claiborne-
[he paused, laughing sheepishly.]
and there I go again, talking your ear off again! The sort version is, I left the military because it did not feel 'right' for me to remain; and I need to find this guy. Being in the Military is not pointing me in the right direction.
Ah, count me in for that! I believe I promised to bring some sake. It should prove to be an interesting experience!
So, vos dis de official kind ov leavink, or de kind vhere dey'z gun vant to hang hyu if dey sees hyu again?
"Interestink" iz right! *laughs* I tink I managed to tok him out ov de explozives, at least.
Aha! to be honest, I'm not quiet sure? I told them I'd like to resign pretty politely... though I'd imagine they would not be too pleased with me should we run into them anytime soon, though haha.
[a shocked pause] Well, I'm glad you did that! I'd imagine explosives at a drinking party might not go over well, especially if we're to be as drunk as I believe!
He sounds like some guys I know; they tend either drink or fight in their spare time! Good call on that! Though explosives at parities; was knowing what to look for just experience or just a lucky guess? Anything else I should be aware of before making a fool out of myself from consuming too much booze?
Vell, at least hyu didn't go und become a Vohemaro pirate, hmm? Dey hardly gots room to complain.
Not dot dot's ever schtopped dem.
*laaaaaughing at that shock* Hyu dun know vot hyu'z signink op for, iz hyu, keed? I likes my fighting und explosives as much as de next Jäger. I dun tink de captain vould like a beeg hole in de ship, iz all.
Und all dot askink for advice from strangers iz gun get hyu set on fire sooner or later, hyu knows.
[ he sounds slightly embarrassed] True, that hardly ever stop the military.
I take it that you asked due to experience, then. [chuckles] Might I ask: is that what happened on the last ship?
I will keep that in mind; thank you!
Und vhy iz hyu lookink for him?
...Nah, de last ship got sold for debt. Most embarrassink end for a pirate ship ever.
Und I knew 'bout de explozives 'cozz Dimo alvays brags.
[he hesitated slightly, unsure how exactly he should answer until he decided to stick to the basics.]
I was a street kid, [though not really noticeable, he switches back to street slang and sounds a lot less formal.] n' back when I was still runnin' with th' gang, we had losa fights fer territory. onea them fight turn sour when it attracted monsters. Thought I wasa gonner, then a groupa them Millitary folk swooped in ta save our asses. I musta been knocked out, cuz when I came to, I was in the Hospital. I guess I just wana thank him in person for saving my ass then and for giving me a chance to start over...
What is with me and rambling today, huh? I apologize.
ah. I... see. as I said, this party's going to be pretty interesting! Do you know when and where it will take place?
Let me get dis straight: hyu met him vunce vhen hyu vos a keed, und hyu spent half hyu life lookink for him?
...Hyu pipples iz crazy.
Party iz later tonight, Dimo's cabin, I suppoze. Down de back stairs, second right, second left, fifth door left, vith a big trylobite.
[laughs] Well-- to be fair, it was not that long ago-- I ran with the gang for quiet awhile before the Military intervened about the monster attack.
gotcha. I will keep an eye out for the party! [making mental note of the directions, so he (hopefully) will not get lost!]
Yah, vos alive und fine a few months ago. Din't vanna get found, Hy tink, so hyu might not haff a lot ov luck.
Hokay, see hyu dere! Mebbe ve gets hyu drunk enuff, hyu schticks around instead ov goink off to look for him again, hmm?
It's alright. As long as I know he's alive... that's enough for me. I waited this long to find him; it's no problem for me to wait some more. [it's a mixed feeling! He sounds slightly depressed, but still, the excitement has not really worn off.]
Besides, other then finding Muguruma-san, I've lost touch with some other friends from the Military when they left, as well! Being aboard the Serenity should also help me find them easier!
[amused/embarrassed] aha! Don't worry 'bout that! I will respect his wishes if he wishes not to be found!
Still, I'd imagine that it won't take much to get me drunk, judging from what I heard! [ooc: I believe this is said after his talk with Reno:http://electro-phoenix.livejournal.com/16960.html?thread=290880#t290880Besides, the Serenity is not gettin' rid of me that easily! It's not like I got ( ... )
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