158. Talk about a memorable (or unexpected) kiss at a holiday party.

Dec 26, 2006 02:17

George hated holiday parties. They were even worse then the going away parties. Mostly because instead of having to kiss one person's ass, she had to kiss lots of people's ass. Everyone had that fake 'oh I'm so glad I work with you' bullshit face on and attitude, and it was cheesy and nauseating. Normally she would have just said no thank you and not bothered coming at all, but Daisy had practically forced her into going.

"Come on Georgia, you should go. Be nice and sociable for one day in your life." Daisy spoke as she put on lipgloss and rubbed her lips, giving them a soft pop and smiled at herself in the mirror.

"I'd rather eat dogshit."

"Oh Georgia, always the wittiest." the perky blonde chipperly answered back, fluffing up curls as she got ready for bed. "I'm not letting you into this apartment until you spend some quality time with someone who is not dead."

George groaned.

But she had went anyways.

So here was George, twirling in one of the chairs, eating a piece of cake. Thankfully this time, she hadn't had a stupid sombrero on her head. Instead a fluffy little santa's hat was perched, hanging in her eye which she hadn't even had the energy to bat out of her face. The permanent scowl that was etched on her face was not going anywhere, that was for sure. Everyone had been exchanging gifts, one of those stupid secret santa things.

Of course George had gotten Delores. What the hell did you give a woman who was your boss, had a cat with bowel problems, and who did blow when she was young off a toilet stall in a truck stop. She made a face just thinking about it. In the end it was the cat thing that won, getting something special for Murray. One of those matching things that she wasn't even sure what it was, other then that owner got one too. Delores would love that shit. She lived for that shit. Anything to show off that fucking cat.

She hadn't actually given the present yet, but it was her turn coming up. Some girl she didn't know from the third floor had gotten her a shirt that said, "Don't worry. Be happy." with a picture of a frog. Too bad for the frog. She kinda liked them. But she was going to burn it when she got home.

Suddenly, someone was calling her name. "Millie. Hey Millie. It's your turn." It had taken her a second to wake up and realize they were talking to her. You'd think after three years of being dead, she'd be used to the Millie thing. Not yet she guessed.

She got up out of her chair and saw someone was eyeing her piece of cake. It was Crystal. George glared at her and then spit on her cake and put it to the side. No one was touching her cake. She got her present off her table and wandered over to Delores, That fake happy smile plastered over her face.

"Here you go!" George thrusted the package out into her hand. Delores' eyes lit up, "You're my secret Santa, Millie?" she gushed, opening up her present and had to only wait a second before she heard the loud squeal of approval.

"Oh Millie this is just perfect." It didn't occur to George that anything other then that was going to happen. She hadn't seen the fact that they were under the mistletoe or that Delores was just so damn grateful. If she had, she would've hightailed it out of there so fast that even Roxy couldn't catch a hold of her.

The next thing she knew was that she was being grabbed up by her overbearing, way too giddy boss and she was seeing those lips come at her in slow motion. They got bigger and bigger, redder and more gross the closer she got to George's lips, but George was completely frozen. As try as she might, she just couldn't pull herself away fast enough.

Delores had grabbed her up and kissed her quite soundly, in what George really really really really hoped was in appreciation of the gift and nothing more. When she let George go, she pointed up, making George look up.

"Mistletoe!" Delores said cheerfully, pinching George's cheek.

"Right... I uh... uh.." George was sure the look on her face was beyond horrified. She didn't say anything else she fled. Fled and bought the biggest damn bottle of listerine she had money for. And while she was spitting it out, trying to get the image and taste out of her mind? Mostly she just thought, Dammit, Crystal's going to eat my fucking cake.

Muse: George Lass
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Word Count: 796

theatrical muse

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