183 - Tell me a secret

Jun 18, 2007 04:35

She's more perceptive then they give her credit for, that's for certain. No one sitting around at the Waffle Haus would ever look at George Lass and figure out that she knew all sorts of things about them.

Things they didn't want her to know.

Take Daisy for instance. Of course most people could see that beneath the shallow exterior, and try as she might to keep people guessing about how she was aloof people knew deep down she cared quite a bit.

Just like deep down some people saw Roxy wasn't a total bitch.

When Daisy thought no one was watching, she'd steel this glances over at the rest of them. Of course George never noticed if Daisy looked at her that way. Then the jig would be up.

She looked at them like.. they were family. She recognized the look from her own family actually. Maybe everyone else had been dead too long to remember, but George did.

Daisy looked.. lovingly. And when good shit started to go everyone's way, it was usually her. Tiny things, like getting more ketchup for Mason and no one payed a bit of mind.

Speaking of Mason, his secret is decidedly a bit more physical. Sure he did drugs alot. And he fucked things up.

But George was starting to notice he was doing it on purpose. She kind of figured that maybe he liked being yelled at.

It was something, but she didn't know why. Sometimes George was sure he was acting high or drunk when he wasn't really. She couldn't prove it though. Not really.

With Roxy, it was the certain little secret not so much that she was nice deep down. It was that she stole things when no one was looking. Teeny tiny things. Like.. packets of ketchup.

And she was a cop and everything. George totally didn't get that one. Didn't she have ketchup at her place?

She also always seemed to know the words to 80s music, but that was neither here nor there.

Rube was the hardest one to figure out. His secret was very internal. And to be very honest, it was mostly just a guess on George's part.

But she watched when no one else would.

He was such a stickler for the rules. Everything had to be done the right way, and so precise.

But he was grateful to have his shit disturber. It made him feel something, she thought. Rube loathed himself. Hated the job he acted like he .. not adored, but took very seriously.

George knew a lot of secrets.

She just didn't know any about herself.

daisy, rube, mason, secrets, roxy, theatrical muse

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