It's just the fate of America, that's all

Oct 25, 2007 12:15

I can't be silent anymore -
I've found and read countless good, fact-based persuasive, well-attributed blogs the past few years that have hundreds of informed, reasonable replyers that point out the absurd levels of damage that Bush & Company are doing to the country, to the Middle-Eastern people, to the Constitution, and to the children (saddling them with trillions in debt while insisting there's not enough money for their healthcare)

The future of this country can't afford the collective ignorance and disinterest of the majority of Americans in what's going on with their country anymore.

Here's a trio of recent articles (amidst hundreds of others) that give a small taste of the political problems today.

We Can't Afford This Damn War Anymore

This talks about how the minority is somehow overriding the majority

And here's a look at money matters - what companies are reaping benefits (pun intended) from this "War on Terror"

So now it's gonna be $2.4 trillion for the "War" in Iraq?

A war that was started with proven lies and misleading propaganda, foisted on a populace being "represented" by complicit media and politicians, is unable to be stopped, even though a vast majority of Americans want out and have a majority of political representatives trying to decrease funding for the "war" (and being overruled by a president with no check or balance), and is making the blatant reality that America needs to decide where it's priorities lie and where our monies are going to go (to Medicare, SS, and American's (kids and adults) health, or to corrupt, criminal multi-national corporations).

I can't communicate how pissed off I am at the average American who is complicit in these traitorous, inhuman political actions by not standing up and demanding their representatives stop it by any means necessary.
Congress has control over 1 major check/balance : the national budget.
Theoretically, with no funding for a president out-of-control, then he can't promulgate his corruptness on the world.
However, when the American people allow themselves to be bored by a Congressional budgetary battle (with Bush winning because spineless cowards won't stand up to him and override his veto, no matter how obvious the decision gets) then it enables this farce of a democracy to continue its mistakes unabated.

Barring a super-majority of Democrats being elected, we are all under control of the Republicans who won't override the President's veto, proving they are more interested in spending money on continuing an insanely-failed foreign occupation then on providing American children healthcare.

If you ever told me, years ago, that these obvious of political decisions could be screwed up and NOT have the American people in absolute riot-mode, I would never have believed it. How can we possibly prefer to spend money on an endless occupation of Iraq and billions of dollars of no-bid-contractors stealing OUR money (when they aren't murdering other humans wantonly) than provide needy American kids with healthcare?
How absurd does the current regime have to become for people to have had enough to at least clear their throats and say "Uh - this isn't right."
Is that so hard to do?  Question your leaders and not swallow what's being told to you?

(Coming soon - a rant on society's desire to keep us all from being free thinkers - schools, companies, and politicians would rather us be subserviant robots who just say "Yes, m'aam" and watch TV all day from childhood on.)

That's it for now - I'm tired - go back to watching TV, America - my indignation only has so much steam before it fades out in the face of abject disinterest.
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