Imperial Saga Application

Nov 12, 2011 12:54

Player Name: Void
Character Name: Light Yagami
Canon: Death Note

Canon Background:

AU Background: Born to an Imperial Magistrate, Light Yagami, from a young age, fostered a strong sense of justice. Raised in a good family, Light developed a strong sense of justice, even as his father’s career more and more took him away from the family, Light was forced to devote more and more time to raising his sister, although he continued to study hard to join the Magistrates.

However, in his studies, he encountered evils and injustice that he couldn’t confront on his own, Light grew dissatisfied and agitated, but had no way to correct it. However, upon discovering the scythe of a reaper, he gained the ability to strike down criminals and exact his own form of justice. Deciding this power was all he ever wanted, he began secretly exacting justice upon those he deemed unworthy.

Personality: Light, at least on the surface, is a very mild-mannered, studious and intelligent young man. A certifiable genius, he’s known by many as a rising star with a bright future ahead of him. Polite, insightful and clever, he’s generally well-liked by adults and his peers, his good looks and his demeanor also making him very popular among women his age.

However, Light is, on the inside, losing himself. Upon gaining the power to deal death from afar, he immediately begins using it to exact his own form of justice. The most heinous criminals are struck down without mercy; their deaths even toyed with as Light experiments with his new power. Having decided that the world is rotten, Light has resolved to cleanse the world of the wicked, passing judgment on the sinful and installing himself as a god of the new world.

While Light is intelligent and a model to all around him, he is keenly aware of this fact. It has made him extremely arrogant; when he decides to pass judgment on those he deems sinful he doesn’t even pause to think for a moment that his own actions might be wrong or sinful, since obviously he, the smart, talented and beloved Light Yagami, could do no wrong.

Also notable is this power is slowly but inexorably driving Light beyond the brink. The more he kills, the more righteous he becomes convinced he is. His morality and sanity are being slowly eroded away as his arrogance grows. He is to be the god of this new world, after all, and once you’ve decided you are the sole worthy recipient of that then there’s little else left to discuss. Light knowingly and willingly flouts society’s rules because he feels he is above them, and while he is willing, even eager to engage in a battle of wits against those who would seek to bring him to justice, to him it is a game, a form of entertainment to keep him occupied while he recreates the world in his own image.

Combat Style: Light himself is not a fighter, but after obtaining the Reaper’s Scythe, he gains the ability to astrally project himself in a spirit form that can only be perceived by individuals of particularly high caliber (player characters, for the most part). In this form, he is much stronger and faster, and he can use the scythe to strike down someone as if it were a real weapon of great power. This, combined with technical knowledge of combat that he studied extensively upon obtaining the scythe, make him a fearsome fighter - but only while he is using an astral form. In person, he is not particularly strong physically, so while he has some talent he can’t really keep up with any major fighters.

Kingdom or Faction: Kingdom of Sawa

Primary Role: Magistrate

Soldier or Siege Company: N/A

Tarot Cards: Star, Death, Judgement

Title: Chief Advisor

Artifacts: Light holds a Reaper’s Scythe, a powerful artifact that gives him the ability to project himself in spirit form to cut down whoever he chooses. Depending on his wishes, when he strikes down the target they need not immediately die, the form of death can take whatever form he wills, the default being the person will go into cardiac arrest and then die after being struck. While this does technically work on player characters, he needs to actually strike a death blow with the scythe, and those who can perceive him can fight back and fend him off.

While in his Astral form he can’t be killed, if he were to be killed he simply returns to his body, but he cannot project again for 24 hours. While in Astral form he appears as if he is a reaper to those who can perceive him.

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