So this year was the first year that I actually got a badge to go to
Owlcon, Rice's annual gaming convention. The irony of it is that I had far less free time this year compared to other years. (I think last year I had either a project or a presentation due the day after...)
fuzzy_guy and I had planned on helping our friend Jon set up his dealer's booth at the con, as we've wound up doing the past couple years. What we hadn't counted on was all of Jon's staff coming down with some horrible sickness that both prevented him from packing and kept him understaffed. So most of last week was spent at Midnight Comics, sorting old rpg books (41 short boxes of books). Oy. We wound up helping Jon throughout the con too, due to various emergencies. Still, it was a lot of fun. I managed to fulfill my goal of entering the painting competition in multiple categories, and I wound up winning two categories. I think my favorite part of the whole con was watching everyone's reaction to
Duck, duck go. Sadly I didn't get to play it, but it looked like it was a lot of fun. Imagine a simplified roborally with rubber duckies for pawns, and you're pretty close. Jon was selling both the game and individual ducks, and boy was it a hit. I think I must've sold/given away 50 ducks.
I also picked up a copy of Agricola. I now see what all the fuss is about. I never really did like Puerto Rico, so I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Agricola. I've only played it twice, but I really like it so far. Still trying to figure out what the difference is between the two that makes me like Agricola and dislike Puerto Rico. It makes me wonder if I played Agricola 5 years ago what I would've thought about it.