Title: Jaded
sylum_river_tamFandom: Reaper
Pairing: No Pairing
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 653
Prompt: Jaded
Warnings: Character Death! And the Devil! And Evil Scary Clowns! And Bean Bags! not betaed
I wrote this a little while ago for the Jaded prompt at
smallfandomflsh which is an awesome little community that you should check out and then write fic for :)
Jaded: made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit
"You're kidding me right?" Sock asks and Sam shrugs.
"No, not really, this is where the soul likes to hunt, so here we are." A creaking sound carries on the wind and Ben jumps and clings to Sock who clings right back. Sam just snorts and shakes his head.
"Come on guys, lets go."
"Ahh…" Ben starts and trails off, Sock picks up where he left off though.
"You know what Sam? My main man? I'm gonna have to let you go do this one on your own. Carnivals? Evil spirits? I've seen this movie and it never ends well for the sidekicks." Sam turns to look at them both incredulously but Ben is nodding along with Sock and both of them are walking backwards towards the car.
"Guys? Come on guys, it's just a stupid Carnival."
"You know what you're problem is?" Sock asks. "You're problem is you're jaded, you've been doing this so long that nothing is cool or special or scary anymore, but me and Ben? We have a healthy, manly fear of clowns and demons that rest in carnivals and in the circus and under the bed!"
"There are demons under beds?" Ben asks in a quiet voice, eyes wide. Sock backs up another step, bumps into the car and both he and Ben shriek like little girls before realizing what they bumped into and clambering in the car as fast as they can. Sam shakes his head in disgust and stomps towards the gates.
"You didn't pay for your ticket," Sam turns to look at the Devil who's leaning against a ticket booth just past the gates, he's wearing the suit and the tie and the smile that drives Sam up the wall and he's patting at the hole where the ticket stubs get shoved.
"Yeah, and?" Sam asks and waves his hand in a 'get on with it' gesture. The Devil shrugs.
"Nothing, just commenting. You're sure you can take this one down on your own? You haven't done more than five souls on your own since you started collecting them for me four years ago." Sam looks back at the car where Ben and Sock are. He can't see either of them though, they're probably hiding under the dashboard.
"I'll be fine, why? You worried?" The Devil has shown up at these things before. He may not be able to track the souls but he can track Sam. He may not be able to collect them himself but he can heckle Sam from the sidelines.
"Yeah Sam, I'm worried." But the cheesy smile is still there so Sam shakes his head again and walks in clutching the Bean Bag Vessel of Evil, as Sock has been calling it since they pulled it out of the box, in his hand tightly.
"Here Mr. Jingles," he calls and whistles and for the first time in four years it actually works. Of course Mr. Jingles is an evil clown who sends Sam flying and he hits the side of the House of Mirrors hard enough that he hears a bunch of them shatter. Mr. Jingles hops and skips his way over to Sam and peers down at him.
"Little bit tougher than you thought I'd be, huh Reaper?" he asks. Sam looks down at the sharp pain in his chest. The post from the "you must be this tall" sign is poking right through. Sam looks up at Mr. Jingles and shoves the Bean Bag against the escaped Soul's face.
"You're not so tough," Sam says as the soul is captured in a whirl of lights. It's getting kind of cold and Sam looks up when a shadow falls over him. The Devil kneels down beside him. His mouth curves down at one end, the cheesy smile is gone.
"You didn't pay for your ticket Sam," he says.