Sep 17, 2007 17:12
Ya know what, life can get complicated. All complications aren't bad, but they do throw a wrench in my works sometimes. And it would be so fuckin' nice to have a few things happen that didn't carry some consiquence or another. And no, don't worry oh faithful Reaper readers, I'm not in trouble, not depressed, just got a little wrinkle that I have to iron out in my life. And another aspect of life thats a little crappy is the fact that I don't just take chances anymore, like I used to when I was young and pretty, I actually weigh the consequences and try to pre deal with the aftermath. Which puts me in the bind that I'm in now. And good news sorta, my therapist says that I'm cool only coming in once a month now instead of weekly. He says that it appears that I'm dealing with things better and overcoming issues in more positive ways. YAY PROZAK! Well the weekend is comin and hopefully I'll see most if not all of you soon, I miss most of
I was the turkey all was was me!