Oct 23, 2005 00:38
besides reeking of powerfully revolting old lady perfume, tonight was amazing. amazingly random and at first sketchy, but blossomed quite nicely into a classic random and solid night. life's just been pretty keen lately, i've got a great jeremy, i've got some really awesome friends, i've got a sweet melissa, i had a hope college alumni reunion last weekend, things around the house are smooth, i've been catching up with some who i've been missing, i'm done with the act forever, i'm actually starting to get some collegey stuff done, i mean, i at least have given it serious thought...(oh and on that note, to all ye who like to tease about wanting to go to the UP for school, shut it up, it's my choice and that's where i really want to be. you all want to go to school downstate, yippee, and just because i'm not into going to state where it honestly takes a flippin half hour to bike across the campus does not mean that my school of choice (whatever it shall be) is any less).
but back to the good stuff, i just feel really alive whenever we're together, like i don't want the nights to end, like i've got someone who i know will slip their hand in mine if for five seconds i face the other way, like somehow i'm in some quirky documentary movie or something, i dunno, things just feel bubblier, crazier, and more fun when we're together. i can laugh at nothing and crack a genuine smile just looking at him, i can still get butterflies and occasionally my stomach will do a flip. sometimes my heart beats faster when the phone finally rings and i instantly smile at hearing the voice on the other end. i could go on and on but my stomach is growling and my crazy-awake-awesome-time-out-tonight-with-jeremy-and-crew mood is starting to wear off a little and now i'm getting a wee bit tired.