Oct 05, 2005 21:40
what i love best is looking over and seeing my always-secure passenger door unlocked, knowing that you were just there, sometimes i leave it that way just a little longer. funny that just a car lock puts you on my mind. i love it best when i glance over and suddenly you're clad in my sparkley sunglasses, a comfortable feeling sets in. or when the driver of the cavy isn't me but you, an air of stability and permanence, or something like it, is there. i can't walk into a store anymore without thinking, o ya, that's got jeremy written all over it, or ya i think jeremy might look good in this...and i love it. better even, is rummaging around the bottom of my purse for my chapstick and pulling out a ticket stub from the first movie, barely able to make out what it says, but still something small that makes a big smile. or perhaps what tops them all is the little twitching your chin does when you're starting to crack a smile and you're trying not to so you end up slightly jutting out your jaw and looking away, i don't know why it does, but it gets me every time. even searching around in my car for another random lost item cannot be completed without some good reminiscing, because eventually i will look under the passenger seat where i will find three new tennis balls which will then get me thinking of how they got their in the first place, camping, stopping by to see cory at work and me getting my wholly deserved whale and he recieving his tennis balls. one of the greatest weekends to be had.