Just turn the other cheeck

Sep 27, 2007 20:17

so... i have heard about the lie circulating about me...

and i must say... very disappointed that someone would take the time out to spread a lie that isn't even semi-believable. you can only bend the truth some much before it breaks

but thats fine... this isn't an entry to talk shyt... or even call you out, or to feed the fuel to one-sided drama. No, this is more like the "Letting you know i am aware".

for those of you who have remained my friend, though it should be obvious i can often times be a prick... thank you-

2 weeks... beer pong on me... (my) house rules...

also i would like to inform everyone that synthesis will be pushed back ONE WEEK from its original date (october 3rd, 2008) and will now be october 10th, 2008. i hope to see all of you there. i am really stoked that all of this is coming together!

Seems like my life is full of change lately... ive been incredibly busy... work is goign great, i am currently holding my position as the lead therapy tech. I am doing my own inservices, and i am really excited for october when i get to spend the day at the heart institute of Arizona(my team gets to watch an open heart surgery). And to top all of this off, friday i will be meeting with an "in" to the physical therapy program i wanted to enroll in.

********LOVE LIFE********
well, yes i am still single, and it has been working out to my advantage. getting to take care of myself without worrying about pleasing someone else. I am sort of talking to someone which is refreshing again to have someone to talk to right before sleeping.

The goods out weigh the bads, and i will not stray from the path of which I created

oh ya... gettin married at bloodfest, lol
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