Author: Realynn8
Characters/Pairings: Alice/Jasper
Rating: NC-17 / M
Category: AU / AH
Spoilers: None
Summary: After 5 years of rebuilding his life and putting the pieces back together, everything falls apart once again when she comes storming back into his life.
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Alice feelings about hospitals is so in character of her too and it is so good to see clearly what she thinks of the crib and that she was so busy with Amber etc.
So sweet with sending pictures and it is really good, that Alice called Bella and Edward to explain things to them.
And honey, the thing with "This Lullaby", what Jasper played with his, before dusted, guitar...OMG, this killed me ;) *lol*, ok it made me cry. This was...I don't know...I have no words for it. It is just perfect *sniffle* and fits so so perfectly in this scene. Also Alice and Jaspers conversation about it, that she said, "I'm sorry", he then "I know, I am too", kissed her forehead and went upstairs and that this broke Alice heart. OMG this was so wonderful and perfectly written. I so loved this whole part. Really no words for it, what can keep up with this part.
Oh and it was a so awesome idea, that Emmett gave Alice advice about this messed up situation. Because I think it is really sad, that often he gets underrates and that people think he is dumb. I really love Emmetts role and lines in this ff. His line that he has a bet to win was so in character of him, too. So Emmett. *lol* He is so wise here and get straightforward to the point. Yes, great Emmett. :) And his role made that Alice thought about it, what she (still) feels for Jasper. Of course I love Alice line of thought. Awww. Also your lead to Alice result was awesome. I chuckled by "from bad to hot" :D *lol* And I LOVE HER RESULT, that she is still very much in love with him, that she wanted him badly and that she will give him a second chance. AWWWW. *sniffle sniffle* So so sweet. I love it.
Before I forget, I loved too, that Alice asked Amber questions about this mess. This to imagine is just so lovely and of course I love that Alice remembered his book now. I'm already excited to know too, what he wrote. *lol*
Anyway honey your fanfic shows so much quality in your thinking, writing etc. The whole plot and every sentence is so well thought out. You really have my deepest respect for it and I think I have to print it someday. :D
I'm really excited already what the next chapter brings. :D I <3 it so much. :)
This was the rest and I believe I really have to cut my reviews more here. ;) *lol*
Thank you so much, I am glad you liked their little walk. I didn't know what to do with it at first, but I managed somehow. I usually get these ideas in my hat about which point I want to include in the chapter, and then don't know what to write about them. LOL I love to complicate things for myself.
I am glad you liked the fact that Alice doesn't like hospital. I though it was just something that might be true for her.
Oh, you liked the "This Lullaby" section of the chapter!? I am so happy you did, it was the main point of the whole chapter, especially about their relationship. Thank you so much for liking it. :) I am very fond of it myself.
I adore Emmett and I hate fics, where he has -50 IQ. I don't believe he is dumb or stupid at all, I think way too many people associate his strength with his IQ, and that bothers me. Just because he looks like a quarterback, doesn't mean he can't think. But he can behave like a child sometimes. LOL :) Anyway, glad you like him in this story. I wanted to give him a more important role.
She finally realized she still loves him. *squee* Which is good, cause now they are both aware of it and might do something about it. ;)
Thank you so much hun, most of the time I have a feeling the ideas in my head are just a big mess. I skip from one to another and change things all the time. I am glad the outcome isn't that bad. Thank you so so much for this amazing review and lol about printing it. :) I may do that for you, together with a playlist. Since I know where you live. ;)
Hun, your reviews are the best in the world. Just remember that. I adore them, just as much as I adore you.
Oh you managed their little walk wonderful. :D And shake hands, I can really complicate thing for myself too. But often my result is not so awesome. *lol*
Yeah, I really think this would do her character. She would be very glad, if she can leave.
I so so love the main point of this chapter and OMG for the beautiful song. The lyrics fits just so perfectly with the situation etc. <3 I love it to imagine, when Jasper play and sings it. :D
Yeah, I so agree with you about Emmett and I really love that you gave him a more important role. I hate fanfics also, where people mean he is dumb. I just can not understand this. And I really like it that he can behave like a child sometimes. I think this is a so lovely and sweet character attributes. :)
Yeah *SQUEEEE*, and I'm so so glad they both are aware of it. Strike. :D ;)
Honey, the outcome is always perfect. I read the whole 12 chapters now and I really have to say, that I have no point of criticism till now. You did this fantastic. And thanks Mon, but please you don't have to, I will print it by myself. I know where you live, too. ;)
Oh thanks so much sweetie, I so adore you, too. *hug*
BTW: I have a question, if I post in my LJ about your story, can I post the banner then too?
I keep imaging Jasper, too. Sitting there on the couch, guitar in his hands and him singing. Aww. So wonderful.
Me too. Emmett is great and I think he is a person who can be a great friend and who is much fun to be around with. Plus, he is adorable.
Thank you so much, Lis. :) *hug*
Of course you can, sweetie. :) I would be honored. You can chose the banner you like most. All four are wonderful. :) So much.
Yep, yep so so wonderful. *sniffle*
I so agree about Emmett. :)
Oh thanks so much, that I can. :)
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