Sep 23, 2008 15:26
on my way to work soon. work at four--ended up getting the job at second cup--this is my fifth shift. i can't seem to foam steamed milk worth shit, so i suck at latte/mocca/hot chocolate/steamer things, and if i get a cappuccino to make it might literally take me a half hour, but other than that, i'm enjoying it. i figure if my biggest stress about my job is an inability to froth steamed milk, i'm not doing too bad...?
i'm getting too lazy about school since my last post. completely don't feel like reading my textbooks and kinda behind on my english and drama and psych readings, but... i'm going to my lectures and understanding everything? of course, its all common sense or a review of bio 30, so its not like that's hard, i just don't want to let myself get into a habit of slacking...
what else? busy weekend. lauren is having a party on friday night (new friend of mine) and jocelyn and ashley and grant and maybe even christa are coming? =) and i work at 8 the next morning (so gonna be asleep for that whole shift, its gonna suck balls) then i've got hailey's bday party saturday night. i hope to god i don't work sunday, but the schedule isn't up yet at present. it might be tonight, i'll check?
boys suck. =) well, not really "=)" but what can you do? can't decide if grant wants to be my boyfriend or just get down my pants? seems like both. i don't want either., commitment or sex without commitment. don't get me wrong, we get along and he's cool, but he was kind of a possessive jerk at lunch the other day and i didn't appreciate it one bit, or that he does seem in a hurry to try to get down my pants. so... i'll see how he is at lauren's party and at lunch this week and if its not cool, he's cut. (yes, i know that sounds cold, but its fair too, i feel) i was really enjoying the dating/flirtation thing we had going on, but i'm sorta mad at him right now, hence this.
hmm... i really should... i dunno, get ready for work? gotta leave in a few mins. work with holly tonight (i think/hope) and she's totally cool. i think this is my first non-training shift so i'm a bit nervous about that.... hope i don't suck? i realized i hate the idea of being a burden on someone, at my job like. i don't want to be the one who can't do it or slows it down or whatever. its a huge anxiety of mine. o.O but no, tonight should be good. =) hoping.
durr. love life. it's too short and too fast and too good and too full and too painful and too deep not to love it.
how is everything? reply if you read this, i'm in the mood to say hi to someone :D