Jun 14, 2006 18:52
Ok. I've been gone. I had to take an expected leave unexpectedly... Meaning I had to leave earlier than anticipated and came back later than I thought. Since then I've been horribly busy. It seems that being sick is the only time I get things done...v_v
There's a new contest open for community members. This is an OPTIONAL contest. It's to create a banner for RxFxB's new layout. Our co-mod themisticstar suggested this contest and has so lovingly volunteered to create the new layout as well. :) The challenge post will be up soon...
This community hasn't been going so well lately. I have propositions to make.
01; New rules. Community members will be REQUIRED to submit icons each week. As well as submitting, you will be REQUIRED to vote. Now if something comes up, you need to let a mod know, either myself or a co-mod. If it's last minute, you will have a week to give us an explaination without being booted out of the community. Yes. That's right, kicked out of the community. That's penalty for breaking this 'rule'. Co-mods are the exception: you must contributed every week you aren't posting the challenge.
02; Posting will be on a stricter basis. Part of this has been my fault recently for not being able to get out reminders. I've settled down a lot of problems I recently had, so it shouldn't be such a stretch anymore. This means my co-mods are going to have to keep up with me...so I hope they're reading this. If you're behind too many times, I'll have to get a new co-mod to replace you... Sorry, but this is your memo. But first you'll have warnings. I'm thinking two or three warnings are enough. Yes, this is going for myself as well. If I fall behind too many times, I will hand this community to someone else. I believe in fair punishment.
That's what's going on in this comm. Anyone who has NEVER participated in a challenge will be kicked out of the community in exactly ONE WEEK. Icon challenges will not begin for another week as well {this upcoming Sunday will be the first one}. Members, if you wish to remain part of the community, please COMMENT here. Co-mods, if you don't read this, you are no longer a co-mod. Email me with the subject: "RxFxB Makeover" if you wish to maintain co-modding. Otherwise, you will be taken off mod status in ONE WEEK. And if you didn't read this {which is pointless for me to say this...but if you are friends with one of our co-mods, you may wish to inform them of the penalties for not reading this announcement}, you obviously won't email me and will be kicked off the modding board in a week. {Boy do I feel repetitive...}
Comments and suggestions are welcomed {comments are screened}.
Your loving mod, Nico-chan.