Hey people. Job at Radio Shack is making sure I'm not a felon (I keep telling them I'm not evil, just deliciously wicked, but they seem to feel it's necessary or something). I've been hanging out with the guys there a lot, they're awesome. There's this guy, Alex, who works there... reminds me so much of myself before I grew the fuck up. Innocent, niave, and highly susceptible to pain. He's so much fun to fuck with. Apparently, he was also taken advantage of by a girl with no nipples. Freaky.
I got drunk this weekend... AND MADE OUT WITH A GIRL. I had bite marks on my chest for days. I'm not even kidding. Seriously. I also did drunken stripteases around a bonfire using an axe as a prop and then laid on my back with my right leg behind my head. No oak leaf nipple pasties this time... but I got Brice to throw up from drinking for the first time in his life. The other Alex got trashed and was highly entertaining, and we hicks made fun of a cityboy from another state. He was cool though. The highlight of the night was definitely Brice trying to drive his Ford Blazer out of the woods (we're talking real woods here, I have no idea how he managed to get it in there SOBER.) and scraping the hell out of his side panels on a tree. Picture posts will be coming soon, there's probably going to be an album entitled "Intoxicated/Wasted Dump Site!" or something similar. The pictures are HIGHLY amusing.
Oh, and I have a minor crush on a 17 year old nicknamed Puppy. His full superhero name is Prostitot Puppy, but he hates the prostitot part. He likes older... erm... people. As in, early 20's. A lot.
Anyway, oh, current living situation. I've become Uncle Alex. I live with a 2 year old named Brendan now, and his mother, Amy. They're both reasonably well behaved. I'm not. It works out. I end up doing quite a bit of babysitting.
Oh! and I'm buying a 1993 Ford Thunderbird with a V8. Apparently, it's a good car. I don't know cars, so I bring friends car shopping with me. They approve wholeheartedly, though of course it needs minor repairs. All young-guy cars do.
Now I'm going to try to put some pics in here, so yeah, I hope it works and it's worth your time to see me doing stupid things.