Mar 24, 2010 23:36
Allow me to venture an analogy:
In the province of British Columbia, where I live, the legal drinking age is 19. When I was 19 I travelled regularly down into the US, where the legal age is 21. Had I consumed alcohol when I was down there I would have been breaking the law and therefore liable for any punishments that the State which I was visiting saw fit. Why? Because I was doing something illegal. I knew this fact because I was warned by people that I was visiting told me so.
Now, Ms. Coulter, the vile drivel that you spew so capriciously in front of any camera that holds still long enough may be legal in your home country, but in Canada, we call it hate speech and have made it prosecutable in a court of law. Had you come here and given one of your usual racist, classist, fear-mongering orations you could have been prosecuted under those same laws. Fortunately, one of the people in charge of the venue in question was decent enough to warn you that you should exercise caution in what you chose to say. And instead of appreciating the cautionary note, you publicise a private communication and claim that you are being oppressed.
We are a different country, WE HAVE DIFFERENT LAWS!!!
You can do what you want on your side of the border, you self-righteous, bigotted, pseudo-feminist bitch, but on our turf you can damn well keep your abhorrent, hateful opinions to yourself, or at least not disgorge them in a public forum.
In fact, kindly just pack your bags and take yourself back to your fellow Tea-Partiers so you can sit around and congratulate yourselves on your general wonderfulness and moan about your horrible oppression. We shan't miss you.