Bad Teacher

Nov 01, 2013 20:22

Some Teachers teach because they have passion for it, they know how to do it, they inspire, lead and support. And some just teach because they are not good at anything else.... And I am not talking about Cameron here.....

I already have a post about a good one, my Master Shifu, but the balance of life now calls for the opposite. Had to take one of the continuing education mandatory courses this week, there was nothing really new, but we still have to do an exam. Our facilitator was nothing like Cameron at all. Typical day started by him telling us to ready books (I obviously cant do this at home and have to drive for an hour just for the pure sake of it). Then Mister Teacher would retreat with his cell phone in his hand just to pop back in 15 minutes before lunch, bubble about the challenges on the exam and advise us to start doing exercises from the book.

I am not really complaining as in between him running back and forth, I read the book, did the exercises and put a deal together. But this is me, I can work even if you hang me upside down. Some of my colleagues though were less fortunate and lost deals because they had to attend these classes.

We did a mock exam today and 50% did not pass. I am just not sure why the facilitator's face had the strong expression of utter satisfaction...

Back to good stuff now, I am off to the party. Everyone have a terrific weekend!

Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty

realtor's life

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