One Night Only

Oct 19, 2006 08:23

For one performance only Realtan will be appearing in her acclaimed and
golden globe nominated role as 'Drowned Rat' in a sparkling production of

It wasn't raining when I left the house! My 'jacket of supreme
visability' kept my upper half shockingly dry. My polycotton coated legs
however.... I particuluarly liked downhill when gravity and wind drains
the wet into the back of your knees and channels the drips into your
Cycle lids are designed to stop your head overheating by leaving wooping
great big holes in them. These holes however also allow woooping great
big (cold) rain drops in. Especially when you are cycling under trees.

The excitement of the day though was that I was slipstreamed. ME! Me who
does an average of -2 mph (ok, possibly not that slow, but I have met
toddlers who toddle faster than me on a bike up hill).

This morning has let me work out that as a breed the British are all
Masochists. The reason we were so friendly and pal-ly during the Blitz is
because we were all overjoyed to be 'suffering'. SO many people said
'morning' to me today before I did (and on Sunny days I get snubbed) and
there were people playing GOLF on the golf course (bare in mind this is at
7:30 on a very wet day, during a brief thunderstorm (does one flash of
lightening and a single wet roll of thunder count?) ). Even MrArrogant
said 'Morning'. MrArrogant passes me each morning, usually in the subway.
He's been daubed MrArrogant for several reasons;
1) He won't say morning back - despite me saying morning nearly every day
for 4 weeks
2) He has poncy panniers (for those in the know he has two carradine bags,
for those not these are royalmail red in a weird plastic fabric with roll
down tops for waterproofing and are *shockingly* expensive).
3) This morning he was wearing waterproof socks (though having got wet I
can sort of understand that)
4) (and this is the real reason) The subway has a clear sign at either end
requesting cyclists to dismount. The subway is built in such a way that
there is a very steep slope either end which means you don't have clear
sight lines on who may or may not be approaching and there are twirly
metal things you have to thread your way through to get in and out.
MrArrogant does this on his bike at about 12mph, muttering at pedestrians
who dare to get in his way. If he's that good why doesn't he just take
the railway bridge next door (too steep for me).

My legs are now over the (turned off) raditor in the hope they will be
slightly damp by the time I get to go home and I am seriously
contemplating buying a small towel in best hitch hikers style.

Tonight I buy waterproof legs. Well obviously I already *have* waterproof
legs, but you know what I mean.
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