Liberal budget response = FAIL

Feb 11, 2009 10:51

Ignatieff's response to Harper's budget is a complete failure :

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"By giving what is in effect unconditional support to the Conservative government's new budget, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has squandered an opportunity.

He has missed a chance to force Stephen Harper's government to markedly improve Tuesday's budget to plug gaping holes in its approach to recession and eliminate small, but loathsome ideological leftovers slipped into its back pages.

The Liberal leader's requirement that, as the price of his support, the government provide three updates over the next 11 months is meaningless."

Ignatieff blows chance to aid country, Toronto Star, Jan 29 2009

You know, I have more respect for the Conservatives than the Liberals. The Cons, at least, seek power in order to advance an agenda; an evil, terrible agenda, but at least they have purpose. The Liberals seek power for the sake of power. They have no particular goals to achieve, no principles to uphold, no vision to realise. They just want to get back on the teat.

Dion was embarrassing, but at least he discovered a spine and joined the other opposition parties in challenging Harper on his arrogant economic update. Then in swooped Iggy to blow all the leverage that a coalition opposition held, gaining nothing in return. This isn't just a political game for Liberals to gamble on in order to better position themselves for the next election; this is a global economic meltdown that impacts every single Canadian, particularly those most vulnerable to economic upheaval. Iggy had a chance to force real & meaningful change in this budget, and he chose to sit on his hands. I expect we can look forward to a whole lot more of this in the future - particularly during each of Harper's three self-written economic report cards.
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