Title: What Genma Wanted Ch9 Pt3
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: GenRai + Iruka; OC ANBU boys, again *sigh* but they have names now : Jun (captain), Ryo (youngest), Yoshinori (oldest) and Tadashi (other guy)
Genre: From Crack is born Romance, Angst and some other stuff
Rating: Mostly R, veering into NC17 on occasion
Warnings: Language, innuendo, some sex
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does, along with whatever other people/entities are along for the ride.
A/N: Still no beta. I'm tormenting myself enough as it is. (Actually, ANBU boys are tormenting me, because they won't go AWAY)
Summary: Captain Jun and the OC ANBU boys pester Raido and spy on Iruka.
The four men stopped talking when they heard Raido's voice ordering his bedmate to sleep. They stared with interest when they heard him pull the door shut, not that it would keep Ryo out, but it was nice Raido was concerned about his partner's modesty. Yoshinori pushed Ryo to vacate his chair. "Go make me some tea," he growled, winking at Raido's astonished look as he came into the dining room, sinking gratefully into the abandoned chair.
"Make yourselves at home," Raido grumbled sarcastically, not bothering to conceal a yawn.
"Thanks for having us over," Tadashi grinned back. "But aren't you being awfully free with someone else's apartment?"
Raido shrugged, rubbing a hand through his hair. "It's a friend's place. We hang out here a lot."
"Shiranui still lives here, then?"
"Yeah," Raido answered with a grin. "He still lives here. How did you know?"
Tadashi answered with a leer. "He throws wild parties."
Raido laughed, leaning back against the chair. "Yeah, I heard last year's was particularly spectacular. Sucked that I missed it." He shrugged again at the question in the man's eyes. "Month-long mission to Tea Country. Wasn't too bad. I made my own fun." He leered back, surprising a bark of laughter from the captain.
"So, not that I don't love your company, but I'm tired. Unless this requires me to get dressed? If so, I need a shower." Raido propped his head up on one elbow and stared at the captain.
"I bet you're tired," Yoshinori sniggered, ignoring Jun's scowl. "That was quite a performance." He eyed the bite mark on Raido's shoulder. "Did you know you're bleeding?"
"What? Oh," Raido touched his shoulder, wiping away the few drops of blood. He smiled, fingering the mark gently. At least this one wouldn't show. "Just how long were you guys up there?" Raido demanded, finally processing Yoshinori's first statement.
Jun smiled back, a fox's smile. "About 40 minutes." He chuckled at the slight tinge of red spreading across Raido's cheeks. "Hey, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. She seemed to enjoy herself. Lucky bastard." He leaned over the table, pushing against Raido's shoulder. "So, is she stacked?"
"What's she look like? I mean, she's got a great voice, low and soft." He grinned again when Raido's face changed color again, aware it was an angry tinge of red now. "Come on, Namiashi, throw me a bone here."
Tadashi choked, trying to smother his own laughter. "Go ahead, Namiashi, because that's only thing he's going to get out of this."
"Bite me, Dashi."
Raido chuckled, his anger draining away. "I can't say I'm completely comfortable with you getting off on this, but fine, no skin off my back." He leaned back again, considering. "Definitely not stacked," he confided, smiling at the captain's frown of disappointment. "Tall, lanky, smooth brown skin, longish brown hair, brown eyes." He closed his eyes, thinking of Iruka's body, enjoying the tingle it brought to his own skin. "Strong hands, soft lips, great ass."
"How tall?"
"Taller than you," Raido grinned, opening his eyes. "Shorter than Ryo." He shrugged again, spreading his hands. "And that's all you're going to get."
"Chunin, right? Please tell me she's at least 20, Namiashi, because Dashi here is convinced she's a teenager." Jun didn't bother to tell the scarred man what else Tadashi thought.
Raido's mouth dropped open, a look of horror on his face. "Yes, and yes! Fuck, what kind of sick pervert do you think I am, Tadashi? I'm not the one sitting up on a roof, listening!"
Tadashi shook his head placatingly. "Hey, it's not like that. I just said the voice sounded young. And no, you're not the pervert here." He folded his arms, staring across the table at his captain.
"I'm hungry," Jun groused, scowling back at Tadashi. "Got any beer here?"
"Sure, help yourselves. There's some leftovers in the fridge." Raido pushed away from the table and stood up. "Since it doesn't look like you guys are going to get to the point any time soon, I'm gonna go pee."
"Fuck, Namiashi, don't say 'pee'," Tadashi complained. "You sound like a kid."
Raido scowled back. "Okay, how about 'I'm going to go void my bladder'?"
"How about you just say 'take a leak' or 'piss' like any other man would?"
"Where have I heard that before?" Raido grinned, shaking his head at the confused looks. "Genma says the same thing."
Ryo set the tea and cups down on the table, glancing at Jun. With Raido's back turned, he didn't catch the signals passing between them. Safe?
Should be. Just fell asleep. Be careful.
"Well, I'm going on the balcony for a smoke," Ryo called.
"There's an ashtray out there," Raido called back before he disappeared behind another door. "Use it."
Yoshinori rummaged through the kitchen while Tadashi and Jun talked about nothing, trying to keep the noise level high enough that any missteps Ryo made wouldn't be noticed.
Ryo called up a clone, then lit a cigarette and placed it carefully in the ashtray before he jumped quietly to the roof, counting time in his head. In ten seconds, he was at the open window, the smell of sex and sweat obvious from his perch. He climbed into the room, nearly stepping on a sticky something on the floor. Squatting down, he picked it up with the tip of a senbon, nodding before he set it back on the floor. Creeping closer to the bed, he eyed the sleeping figure warily. Dark skin, dark longish hair, but a decidedly masculine musculature, it looked like Tadashi was right. He gave a tiny tap of chakra to a brown shoulder, hoping to encourage the person to roll over. He heard a toilet flush and nearly panicked. Come on, roll over, he chanted silently.
Another tap, this time to a hipbone, and the man on the bed rolled onto his side. Captain's gonna be pissed, Ryo thought with a grin. There was no mistaking it now. He heard the water running, thankful Namiashi was the type to wash his hands. Out the window, back on the balcony, he dismissed the clone and took one drag off his cigarette before he stubbed it out and walked back inside, wiping the smile off of his face.
"Took you long enough," Yoshinori hissed, but Ryo just shrugged back. He didn't have time for a report before Raido was back in the room, striding over to the table.
"Okay, now that Namiashi's sweetheart is asleep, we can start," the captain growled out, not liking the look Ryo had on his face.
Raido nodded, understanding why they had been stalling. "You got the report from T&I?"
Jun pulled the folder from his vest and slapped it down. "Yup. Morino is convinced the messenger is innocent of any involvement."
"Damn," Raido swore as he paged through the report, and Yoshinori nodded.
"It gets worse," Jun continued. "The gate guards have reported an increase in travelers over the past few weeks. We're going through the logs, trying to track down everyone who's still here. And we've already caught another messenger, this one delivering a formally wrapped vase to one of the attendees." He stopped, his tone grim. "It was coated with a poison made from a sea creature."
Tadashi groaned, gulping down his cooling tea. "Analysis?"
Jun shook his head. "Still working on it, but it's not one we've come across before."
"So it's either new, or it's not normally used by our usual suspects." Ryo shrugged at Jun's stunned look. "What? I'm not a complete idiot, you know. Either this is the work of a civilian group, or it's being set up to look that way."
The captain sighed, nodding. He pushed another bite of Raido's leftover dinner into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "It bugs the hell out of me that we have spies in our village, and we have no clue who they are, where they are, or what they want. What happened to being a 'hidden' village?"
Raido chuckled, nodding. "Konoha got too big and too strong. We can't survive without trade with the outside world. And the Hokage is pretty insistent that we not close our gates to travelers." He frowned, then. "It sure does make our jobs harder, though. We think we're so damn safe here, and that's just not the case."
"That illusion of safety is necessary," Yoshinori said quietly. "For trade, for our increasing civilian population, and for us as well."
"Doesn't put us any closer to finding out who's involved," the captain grumbled again.
It was nearly 3:30 in the morning when they finally stopped. Plans were discussed, discarded, discussed again. Raido was happy to hear the morning session had been cancelled so they could do a thorough sweep of the rooms, but he was still concerned about the banquet that evening. They would continue to rely on instinct and hand signals - radio transmitters would be worn, but ignored because they were too easily breached. They went over scenario after scenario, Jun deferring to Raido in most cases because he really did have good instincts. They would do a walk-through of the banquet hall and anterooms before the event started.
"Gonna be a fucking long day," Tadashi groaned as they got up to leave.
"Yeah, and if nothing happens, tomorrow will be even worse," Yoshinori agreed.
Jun stared at Raido as he stood up. "You are going to get some sleep, right? You can sleep in a little, but we're meeting up at 11. I need you on your toes."
Raido chuckled back, winking slightly. "Maybe." He laughed again, shooing them out with his hands. "Yes, yes, I'm going to sleep. I might get my head bit off if I tried anything this early." He wondered briefly it that were true. Iruka would have to be up in less than four hours - but would he really turn Raido away?
"Hey, Namiashi, is your friend throwing another party this year?" Tadashi asked from the doorway.
"Don't know. He has to wait and see if he's going to Mist this summer or not. And honestly, we hadn't even thought about it. If he does, I'll tell him to let you know." He couldn't suppress the flicker of worry across his face.
"What's up?" Jun asked seriously.
Raido sighed. "Genma and I have been buds since we were 18. Bad missions, good missions, all that." He stopped, rubbing his nose. "He was real jumpy when he left last night. Real jumpy. Like 'if I don't come back' jumpy." He stopped, his jaw set. "He's never been like that before. Never."
Yoshinori nodded, clapping a hand against Raido's bare shoulder briefly. "You want us to look into it?"
"No," Raido replied firmly. "It's better not knowing, for now."
The men left then, jumping across rooftops to who knows where. Raido wondered if they ever slept. He stared at the mess on the table, then stood up and shut off the lights. He would deal with it in the morning. He was tired, exhausted. Any ideas he had earlier about waking Iruka up were long gone - he just wanted to crawl into the bed and sleep.
He dumped his pants at the foot of the bed and dropped the blinds. Iruka was sleeping sideways, unconsciously avoiding the wet spots, but leaving Raido's side open as well. He sank onto the mattress with a light groan, pulling Iruka against his chest with a satisfied sigh. Too easy, he sighed, lightly stroking a smooth chest. Too easy to like, too easy to get used to. He chanced a brief kiss against Iruka's shoulder, his body stirring briefly at the contact.
"It's late," Iruka whispered, folding his hand into Raido's.
"Yeah, sorry. It went on longer than I expected. Go back to sleep, I'll make you breakfast tomorrow so you can sleep a little later."
"What about you?"
Raido bent his head again, dropping another kiss on a brown shoulder. "I get the morning off," he whispered gleefully. "We get off late, though, so don't wait up for me."
"I have a late shift in the file room," Iruka answered sleepily. "Won't get off until 11 or later."
"Iruka, why didn't you tell me that earlier? I wouldn't have-"
Iruka snuggled closer, sighing. "Guess that's why, huh?"
Raido dropped his head back against the pillow. "I think Genma's a bad influence on you," he said quietly, grinning.
"Who's in bed with whom?" Iruka snorted back, sighing again. He fell asleep seconds later.
Smiling, Raido rubbed his face against Iruka's hair, sighing as well. It would all be over this weekend, he thought hopefully. Maybe, maybe not, but it helped him to sleep at night thinking it.
Four blocks over, the ANBU team stopped on the roof of a now-empty house, and three pairs of eyes regarded Ryo with intensity.
"45 seconds," Yoshinori spat out. "That was pathetic."
"Look, you wanted confirmation right? Fine, I got confirmation. I made it back in time."
"So?" the captain demanded with a growl. "Male or female?"
"Sorry, Captain, definitely male," Ryo grinned back.
Jun groaned, slapping a hand against his eyes. "Damn."
"Looks like it's cup ramen for you," Tadashi grinned, doing a little victory dance. "And I'm taking some lucky lady out for sushi."
"But everything else Namiashi said was correct," Ryo added with a small smile. "Well, maybe he fudged a bit on the age thing. The guy looked young, like he wasn't quite done growing."
"How young?" Tadashi asked with a smirk.
Ryo quirked his mouth, thinking. "17, 18. Hard to say, some people look younger when they're asleep."
"Any identifying marks?" Yoshinori asked.
"Because I asked you, brat!"
"Fine," Ryo muttered. "One horizontal scar across his face, from cheek to cheek, over the bridge of the nose. Looked old, too."
"Anything else?" Tadashi asked, still shaking his head. Yoshinori loved pestering Ryo, but it was good for him.
Ryo launched into a detailed description. "Taller than the captain, nearly as tall as me, and if he's not done growing, then he'll probably be my height or more. Brown skin, shoulder-length brown hair, kind of shaggy. Thin build, but pretty well-defined musculature. Typical shinobi body. A few scars on his legs, but not many. Rounded face, average lips, a little on the full side. As my little sister would say, cute, but not pretty-boy cute, more like the boy-next-door cute. Not a guy you would look twice at on the street. Can I go home now?"
"What took so long, then?" Jun asked finally.
"The guy's a damn ninja, Captain, and he sleeps on his stomach. If I just reached out and rolled him over, he would have woken up. It took a couple of pokes just to get him on his side."
"Yeah, very," Ryo answered, sounding surprised. "He may be a chunin, but I'm willing to bet he has extensive field experience. I've met jonin who don't sleep that quietly." He eyed Yoshinori baldly, daring the older man to contradict him.
"Well done, Ryo. Get to bed. We'll meet at 11. I'll stop by if I need you before then." Jun watched the young man leave, smiling.
"He's getting better," Yoshinori said finally, returning the smile.
"So why the third degree about some guy?" Tadashi asked finally.
Yoshinori shrugged. "Namiashi has been given deep access into ANBU-level investigations." He held up a hand, forestalling Jun's outburst. "I'm not saying he's not capable, or trustworthy, Captain. We just need to be aware of the people he's associating with." He turned back to Tadashi. "You heard about Sandaime's conversation with one of his desk jockeys the other day, right?"
"Yeah, Fuso told me before he left. Had him unmask and everything. You think the Hokage is losing it?"
"Uh, no, and that's not something you should even be saying out loud, idiot. Sarutobi-sama could still kick your ass, my ass, and Jun's ass, and probably not even break a sweat. I'm saying, we're potentially up to our eyeballs in plots and spies, so we need to be more aware of who knows what in this village."
The captain nodded. "Agreed. I'll leave it to you, Yoshi. Do what it takes to get comfortable with this guy, because he's going to be around for a while."
"Thinking of asking him to join up, Captain?" Tadashi asked quietly.
"Yeah, thinking about it. But there's a problem with his file." The captain shrugged, shaking his head. "And I doubt he'd agree to it, either way."
"Why the hell not?"
Jun chuckled, waving his hand. "Oh, I don't know. Here we are, standing on a roof in the middle of the fucking night, talking shit. And there Namiashi is, safe in bed, curled around some guy that even Mr. Picky Ryo calls 'cute'."
"You caught that, too?" Yoshinori grinned.
The captain shook his head, chuckling softly. "Don't tease him about that, Yoshi," he warned.
Yoshinori shook his head. "Wouldn't dream of it." He paused brielf. "So what's the problem?"
Jun scratched his chin. "There are forms missing," he said at last.
"And?" Tadashi prodded. "Captain, it's late. Can you just tell us? This 20questions game is getting tiresome."
The captain scowled, then shrugged again. "Not one T-form."
"That's gotta be a mistake," Yoshinori snorted back. "Misfiled?"
"Not that I could find. And there aren't any notations indicating one was ever filed."
"You think he broke in the field and someone covered it up?" Tadashi growled impatiently.
Jun shook his head. "He doesn't seem like the type. But..."
"How likely is it a man his age has never broken, not even once," Yoshinori continued. "That is a problem. And not just for a potential ANBU candidate."
"Either way, it's something to think about, but not right now." The captain stretched and cracked his neck. "Okay, I'm done. Dismissed."
Jun made his way home, his mind still going over scenarios in his head. He'd be lucky if he managed three hours of sleep tonight. His rotation with the Hokage would be up next year, but he hadn't made any plans beyond that. Just get through this week, he told himself. Then the next one, and the one after that.
Read on to
Chapter10 Pt1---