Oleg Maltsev - is deceiving people [review]

Apr 13, 2019 21:54

I was very disappointed when I figured out - what story happened to me.

I decided to study the subject of Scientology myself; and how great was my amazement when I saw the blocks that one-to-one were copied by the Academy of Slavonic Applied Science!

1) I was told that “applied science solves any problems” and what do we see in the quote !!!

“This is useful knowledge. With it, the blind see again, the lame walk, the sick recover, the madman becomes rational, and the rational becomes smarter. With his use of the ability, which Man for thousands of years tried to restore again become his. "
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: The Story of a Man. 1952

2) the principle: to turn to another comrade, and to the elders by the name-name; in case of violation of behavior by others - to report to elders! (taken from Hubbard)

3) O. Maltsev says that "your family does not wish you anything good"! look at Wikipedia https://goo.gl/zLxgP2
The practice of breaking off relations (eng. Disconnection), when the Scientologist is asked to stop all contact with friends or family, if they oppose Scientology

4) Threats and blackmail were applied to me when I violated the interests of the academy !!! that, if I am not mistaken, is a violation of rights! but to fight publicly with them is difficult. there is a special security department who knows your coordinates, soc. networks and personal data; All Skype-sessions are recorded and can be used to blackmail or pressure on a person !!! The practice of “Honest prey” (or “fair play”), the pursuit of criticism by Scientologists, ranging from lawsuits to illegal actions

5) Attempts to force search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, to remove all links to pages critical of Scientology, which contain confidential materials belonging to the Church of Scientology, at least from the first pages of search results, indicating violation of copyright.

6) Academy coaches say that the conventional sciences do not meet the criterion of truth ...
Some Scientologists claim that "Scientology is an exact science." Moreover, in one of the main books of Hubbard, "Scientology 8 - 80", it is argued that Scientology is a new science, the science of knowledge. Other key Scientology books by Hubbard are “Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health”, “Dianetics: Evolution of Science” and “Science of Survival”.

7) In terminology, the concept of "energy gradient" is used to determine the state!
An example of a “scientifically” colored theory is the Scientology scale of “emotional levels”, in which each emotion is assigned a number from −40 to 40. Comparison of a number of terms of ordinary language with a number of specific numerical values ​​gives rise to a psychologically significant effect of the allegedly “scientific” presented “knowledge”

8) Maltsev, first of all, calls himself a financier ... which does not prevent him from practicing Haryan medicine and calling it the best in the world ...
Religious scholar, Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of General Sociology and Feminology at IvSU, TP Belova, notes that “This is an organization that actively works with the minds of people, with the psyche. Very actively uses the methods of suggestion and very actively engaged in commercial activities. In Germany, for example, this organization is recognized as commercial. ”

9) O. Maltsev says that our goal is to spread the "tradition of ancestors"; but his works and techniques are copyrighted and no one can copy, transfer and teach them (because the original will distort it!) There is a special department of lawyers to control this!
The Church of Scientology takes measures to prevent the distribution of Scientology documents protected by copyright, and calls distributors of such documents "copyright terrorists" ("copyright terrorists"). Critics argue that the Church of Scientology simply prevents the dissemination of information that could adversely affect the reputation of Scientology

10) Coincidence?

"Hubbard himself all his life very actively and constantly fond of two things: the occult and intelligence activities."
https://goo.gl/RrxzwG (Scientology and the CIA: Myths or Reality?)

Hubbard’s ideas inspired many imitators, and some modern “psycho technologies” and New Era movements stem from Scientology (eg, est, ekkar, peer counseling)

According to the book of Hubbard, each of us has a mind, acting on the principle of stimulus-response, which records injuries. This "reactive mind" is hidden from the consciousness or "analytical mind." When environmental elements resemble those contained in an early traumatic incident, the reactive mind turns on and imposes irrational behavior on the person. The reactive mind is idiotic. He is trying to solve the current situation, spewing a chaotic set of reactions from his records of traumatic incidents. Being unable to see the cause of irrational behavior, the analytical mind justifies it in the same way that a hypnotized person justifies the fulfillment of embedded suggestions.

The communication course is the beginning of most Scientology careers. Hubbard claimed that for the first time he scientifically analyzed communication. This course mostly consists of training, abbreviated TU (training exercises).

In the whole Universe there is no other hope for Man besides us. (Ron Magazine, 1967)
"This world will stop as soon as the people who have accepted the postmetal disappear" (Maltsev O.)

Related Links:
realniy-men.livejournal.com/25681.html (on rus.)

special services, psycho-virus, aspn, neo-sect, personality cult, fanaticism, oleg maltsev, spn

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