So yesterday i watched the movie, "Boys Don't Cry", the documentary of Teena Brandon who lived her life out as Brandon. I'm so obsessed with this story now. I'm just in awe, like is so shocking. I can't imagine. Her death took place in 1994, i was 5. It doesn't seem like TOO long ago, i can't believe thats how transgender/gay people were treated. I still can't wrap my mind around it. So i've done some research online, trying to get more insight because i'm so into it. Thats how i am, when i see a documentary it stays on my mind for a long time and i read about it and watch videos and all that. Its so SAD! I cry when i watch the movie. I want to get the book,All She Wanted by Aphrodite Jones. On the cover it says ," All Brandon wanted was to be one of the guys, but unfortunately he was a girl." And i want to buy the REAL documentary, it features the men who murdered her, her lover and her lovers mother i believe. I'm watching "Boys Don't Cry" now as i type this. Its to the part where they beat and rape her. Its hard to watch. I still can't believe its real, that this really took place. I know that thats what happened to people who were transgendered or gay, but to get so deep into a story about it, and its about something real, it sounds bad but i'm intrigued. Those days "normal" people called it a "sickness." They believe gays and lesbians were "evil" and wanted to "brain wash" everyone else and make them "sick" too. And this is sad to acknowledge, but i'm sure in some places people still feel this way. And its crazy how much i see the world changing around us that people would still think that way. But i like now that gay women and men are more honest with who they are now. Men dress like women and work it because their proud, and women dress like men ALL the time, i see is VERY often, its like a normal thing now. Like people say you can't be in NYC without traffic. You can't be anywhere without running into drag queens or "dikes" and its cool. I hate the part of the movie where the cop says ,"why are your dressed like a guy, hanging out with all guys when your a girl? why do you kiss other girls when your a girl yourself?" I believe Sexual Identity "Crisis" is not really a crisis. I believe that you can give birth to a girl who was meant to be a man. Or vise versa. And there is nothing wrong with that. The bastards that killed Teena made her say that it was okay with what they'd done to her because it was "her fault". The main guy, Marvin "TOM" Nissen from what i know is thankfully awaiting his death sentence on death row. He appealed. The other loser, John Lotter, is facing life in prison. And after all Teena endured, her mother had the nerve to bury her with her plot saying ," Teena Brandon " with the epitaph saying , "daughter, sister & friend." Thats so wrong. Lana was the only one who understood her, and thats sad. Before the end Lisa Lambert (also killed) let Brandon stay at her house. She must have felt guilt for telling the guys the truth about her sexuality. And Brandon's mother sued, blaming Nebraska state or some crap like that for her daughter death because they could have prevented it because they didn't put her into a witness protection program after her questioning about the rape. She was awarded $80,000. She sued more times, for wrongful death, funeral costs and emotional stress. Approx another $30,000 added to that in total. And for what? Where was she? If she had just accepted that her daughter was a man and a lesbian her daughter might still be alive. What parent could turn their back on their child no matter what? Gay/Lesbian/transgender/blue/black/or green, i'd never turn my back on my child. She didn't deserve a dime. The movie just finished, and so have i. LOL. Piece Out
Brandon (teena) with Lana (her lover)
This is the cover of the Documantary. You can't see it, but on the right of Brandons hand, in the picture of him when he was younger, thats where is says ,"All Brandon wanted was to be one of the guys, but unfortunately he was a girl."