Fanfic Meme - Day 13

Sep 13, 2011 15:53

13 - Do you prefer canon or fanon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?

Generally I prefer canon, but I'm not against fanon and have certainly used it in D&DC, notably kid's surnames. As a rule I tend to only like fanon if it is not completely at odds with the canon, as I can't see the point of re-writing canon. Why would you if you are a fan.

I do enjoy fics that are an different from the canon though, such as alternative episodes, and not just confined to the D&DC here. Star Trek comes to mind here, with some excellent Data/Tasha fic that breaks away from canon in a very enjoyable and believable way.

Writing, or reading fanfic, has never changed the way I see the original material but it has perhaps made me see more of it, exploring ideas that were only hinted at in the series, some of which I had never even noticed until the fic came along.
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