For anyone who may not know, The Milk Brother is engaged to be married to the most wonderful woman in the world, his Bliss Partner (all apologies to James for lifting your oh-so-useful term). My Bliss Partner has many, many endearing qualities, such as her exceptional intelligence, keen wit, and hugely compassionate heart. But, as with many couples, there are things The Milk Brother and his Bliss Partner do not always see eye-to-eye on. One of those is science fiction. Whereas The Milk Brother has been a sci-fi dork from a young age, his Bliss Partner--how to put this--hates science fiction. Not dislikes, but hates, science fiction. And yet, The Milk Brother continues to try to find some common ground with which to connect them, much as she tries to find ways to connect him to her passion, collecting fashion dolls. (For more on how a staunch feminist became a doll collector, I will refer you to her blog, Strongly Worded Letters, whenever she actually commences writing it.)
In that vein, the following conversation resulted a couple of days ago, when The Milk Brother attempted to relate the dorky goodness he found on the Star Trek fan movie sites discussed
previously. Given that my Bliss Partner is a flaming liberal, I attempted to impress her with the progressive way gay characters are being portrayed. That resulted in the following conversation:
THE MILK BROTHER: Hey honey, one of these fan episodes had not one, but two subplots featuring gay characters.
TMB: In fact, there was a scene involving a male Bajoran kissing a male Klingon full on.
BP: Ewwww! That’s bestiality!
TMB: Erm…what?
BP: Kissing a Klingon, that’s disgusting.
TMB: Kissing a Klingon is NOT bestiality. Um, do you know what a Klingon is?
BP: Yes, they’re green, with horns or something.
A Klingon. You can tell he is an alien because he's bi-pedal, speaks flawless English, and has bumpy things on his forehead. Duh.
Sadly, the search for common ground goes on…