(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 12:16

Worth of Love has crossed the 300 page line my darlings!!! That is 300+ pages of all the sex, drama, and sap I have been able to squeeze in and it keeps growing!!! haha, I am thinking the monster shall be over 400 pages...which means about 4 more chapters, 5 tops. *rubs hands together* this is getting exciting for me, as my biggest story is coming to an end! I hope a couple of you are feeling the anticipation as well!!

I must also confess this is not yet betad. It has been so long since I posted I figured I would throw it out, and will just put the betad version up in its place when I have it. Kisskiss!!

Title: The Worth of Love 27/?
Author: Ylith (CneajnaTsepesh@aol.com)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Orlando/Sean Orlando/Viggo
Summary: how to explain this fic…Gosford Park meets Count of Monte Cristo meets Lady Chatterly…with hot man on man sex. Complete and utter AU, naturally.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I am just a silly little girl that loves to write about the way things SHOULD be, but life’s a bitch, and I have no idea what the boy’s sexual orientations are.
Archive: just ask me!!!
Beta: this time it was mostly Leggyviel, last few pages unbetaed

Banner made by causette.

Part 27:

Colin pushed through the crowds of people as he followed the Russian manservant to the back staircase that lead to Marton’s quarters.

“What’s wrong with Orlando?” He asked, his voice insistent as he prodded the Russian for information. The large man had been silent thus far after notifying the Irish valet that his employer was hurt and required his assistance.

“You are very casual with your lordship,” Marton said calmly as he led the Irishman to the back bedroom. “I have never heard a valet speak of their employer in such a…manner.”

Colin was not sure what to say in response, but he managed to weakly piece together, “He…he prefers that I use a more familiar title, as he feels uncomfortable with servants…”

Marton nodded in slight understanding, yet not in a manner convincing enough to prove he was convinced. “Each man is different, I think,” he said.

Colin reached out and clapped a hand over the man’s shoulder, pulling him to a halt. Marton looked back at the Irishman and saw genuine worry in the man’s dark eyes.

“Please,” Colin said softly. “What is wrong with him?”

Marton smiled slightly at the man and patted his shoulder in a calming gesture. “Nothing, my friend. He had a little fall…hurt his knee. I think he is upset, he asked for you.”

Colin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded for Marton to continue again. He followed the big Russian into the bedroom where Orlando had been set down. Colin rushed past Marton and set himself beside the young beauty when he saw Orlando laying down on the bed, slightly propped up by pillows with a towel of ice against one of his knees. He reached out a hand and cupped Orlando’s cheek before looking down at is knee.

“Oh Orlando…what happened?” he asked, his brows knit with worry.

Orlando’s head turned at the sound of his valet’s voice and into the caress of his hand. His own hand reached out to find Colin, and the man took it in his own, bringing it to his lips and kissing it tenderly before remembering that Marton was still in the room. He looked back at the man and pointedly said, “Thank you very much for finding me, Mr…”

“Csokas,” Marton said.

“I thank you, Mr. Csokas.” Colin said, hoping the man would take the hint and leave them alone.

Marton nodded in understanding, carefully keeping his eyes on Orlando to make sure he would be alright. The young blind man clutched to Colin desperately, and decided it would be alright to leave the two alone, but also decided that it would probably be a matter of particular interest to Sean.

Once the door closed, Colin immediately turned to Orlando, kissing his jaw to calm him and rubbing his hands down the younger man’s back in soothing circles. “Orlando…tell me what happened? What’s the matter?”

“My knee…” Orlando said softly, reaching down to adjust the towel of ice that was resting there. The ice had slightly melted and wet the towel as well as Orlando’s trousers beneath it. “Viggo and I had a quarrel out on the balcony. I fell when I was trying to get back into the house.”

“He didn’t help you?” Colin said, spite and hatred in his voice when he spoke of Mortensen.

Orlando shook his head sheepishly. “No. He had left already at that point. I had some trouble finding my way and tripped…”

“He left you? Out on the balcony? You could have fallen! What the bloody hell was he thinking just leaving you out there on your own?” Colin was furious, his voice slightly raised as he spoke.

“I am surprised he only left. I called him a bastard after he accused me of spreading my legs for Lord Trevelyan Lee. I said several things to him I had been holding in for some time…I was almost certain he would strike me for saying them.” A wry smile passed Orlando’s lips as he confessed this to his valet and lover.

“If he were to strike you, I would kill him,” Colin swore.

Orlando gasped and fumbled to find the man’s hands, not caring when the ice pack fell from his leg to the bed. He gripped Colin’s larger hands in his and implored to him, “You must not say such things! It touches me deeply that you care, but I could not bare to lose you too, and you would surely be taken from me if you were to try it. I could not bare to be alone…not again…”

Colin caressed Orlando’s downy cheek and looked down into those dull imploring eyes. “Don’t worry, my love, I promise I will not ever let you be alone again…I will leave Mortensen to his fate as you desire.”

Orlando closed his eyes in thanks and let himself fall forward into the secure embrace of Colin’s chest.

The Irishman accepted the unspoken request and wrapped his arms around Orlando, holding him tightly to him. He sensed there was more that Orlando was not telling hi, so he decided to press the beauty a little.

“Orlando…what else is wrong. I can see that the hurt in your knee is gone…what is it that is really troubling you?”

The young Brit turned his head so his cheek rested against Colin’s chest. He sighed slightly and decided he might as well let the man know some of what he had been feeling.

“His Lordship…Lord Trevelyan Lee…he unsettles me…”

Colin stroked Orlando’s back as he spoke. “He didn’t try anything with you, did he? Has he said anything to you?”

Orlando shook his head. “No, nothing like that. It is merely the way he makes me feel when he is around me…I tell you Colin, when I first heard his voice, I swear he sounded almost just like…well…in any case my heart stopped. He seems so very familiar, as though I should know him or have known him all my life and yet he remains so distant. He would not even let me touch his face to try and see him. It was so strange…”

“This whole house is strange,” Colin said. “I have never met such secretive servants in my life. They would say absolutely nothing about his lordship…and that man Marton…when he looked at me I felt like he could see straight through me.”

Orlando nodded, raising his head slightly. “It was the same with his lordship, he spoke to me as though he knew everything about me…knew my very nature!” He shivered slightly in the man’s arms. “All through my marriage I have never doubted myself, Colin. I have managed to know what I need and want…and to know what to think of people…but this man…he comforts me like of late only you have been able to, and yet at the same time he frightens me. He makes me feel things I haven’t felt since…” Orlando bit his lower lip, unsure if he should continue for fear of hurting Colin with his words by reminding him that their affair was not a matter of mutual love.

“Since Sean?” Colin offered in understanding.

Orlando hesitated before nodding. “Yes, since Sean.”

Colin kissed the top of Orlando’s head tenderly, stilling his arms as he did so and giving Orlando the slightest squeeze to let him know he was not offended. He was glad to feel Orlando relax against him.

“I’m sorry Colin…I wish I could give you the love you deserve…you deserve to be loved, Colin…”

“Hush now,” Colin said, taking Orlando’s face in his hands and pulling it up gently so he could look into the beauty’s blank eyes. Orlando might not be able to see him, but he knew the youth would be able to feel his eyes on him. “I don’t want to you feel any regrets, Orlando. I am happy for anything you can give me…I always have been. I am happy when I can see you happy…if this makes you uncomfortable, just say the word and I will leave you be, and know that is your desire it would make me happy.”

Orlando shook his head. “No…I need you too. Your touch is a great comfort to me, Colin…I need it to feel alive.” Orlando nuzzled his face against the other man’s throat, inhaling the man’s scent. “I need your touch now Colin…will you please touch me? I need to feel safe…I don’t feel secure here…I need something familiar…”

Colin felt himself go hot at Orlando’s request, the heat slowly pooling to his groin as he gently lowered the beauty to the soft bedding. “Are you sure?” he asked, stroking Orlando’s cheek and throat. “You were quite upset…I don’t want to do anything you are going to regret…”

“I need this,” Orlando insisted, spreading his legs and rubbing his thighs up and down the Irishman’s hips. “Please take me, Colin, I need this.”

Colin lowered his head and claimed Orlando’s lips in a heated kiss, supporting himself on his arms as Orlando began to make work of his buttons. He gently took hold of Orlando’s hands and set them down.

“Let me love you, Orlando,” he pleaded, kissing the young beauty’s throat as he began to undo his clothes. He sighed as the smooth golden flesh of Orlando’s chest was bared before his dark eyes. He ran his rough hands down the delicate skin of Orlando’s sides under the open shirt. “You don’t have to love me, but let me love you…”

“Colin…” Orlando said, worried. “I don’t want to hurt you…”

The Irishman’s lips fastened onto the Brit’s tender throat and sucked softly. “You could never hurt me, Orlando.”

The beauty moaned at the contact and arched slightly against the Irishman’s feather touch. “Please touch me!” he groaned, tightening his thighs against the man’s hips. He bit his lower lip and moaned when the Irishman began to lower his mouth down his throat to his collarbone, and then lower still.

The younger man’s back lifted off the bed when his valet’s lips latched onto one pebbled nipple, plumping the dusky nub with his teeth. Orlando’s hips began to gently rock against the other man’s body as the hot mouth moved to his neglected nipple.

Soon both of their shirts were removed and Colin was making quick work of their trousers. He pulled Orlando’s down the Brit’s long legs before quickly stripping away his own. It was not long before the Irishman had resumed his previous position between those long legs and put two of his own fingers in his mouth to wet them.

“It does seem a bit wrong of us to make love on poor Marton’s bed like this,” Colin said, obviously not as moved as he sounded as he began to insert one finger into the clenching orifice.

Orlando groaned and arched at the intrusion. “Just spend yourself inside me…Just say I am an active sleeper…”

Sean thanked Marton when the man told him of the recent events, his face burning with silent rage. “You are sure Orlando is alright?” he asked the large Russian.

The man nodded to ease his ‘employer’s’ mind. “He was merely shaken. He is resting now in my room. His valet is with him and I am sure he will calm him for now.” The man stared intensely into the blonde’s eyes to remind him that he had to maintain calm for his guests.

Sean nodded and took a deep breath. “I think that as the host it is my duty to see that my guest is well cared for. I think I shall check on him and make sure he is alright. Would you please watch over the event while I am away? I will take but a minute.”

“Of course sir,” Marton said, relieved that Sean had slipped back into character.

Sean nodded to him and then turned away heading for the back staircase.

“Lord Trevelyan.”

Sean took a deep intake of breath at the sound of his new name. He steeled himself and turned, softening instantly when he saw Ian.

“Lord McKellen…” Sean said. “How good to finally see you. Are you well?”

Ian quirked is head to the side. “I do not believe I have seen you since you were but three years old…you must have quite a memory.”

Sean froze in place, trying to search for a reason. “Well…my father sent me a post when I was living in Scotland…there was a photograph…I must say you do have quite a distinct face.”

Ian said nothing, but tilted his head again and looked closely at Sean, his hands in his pockets. “I must say…you sure have groan up well, Alec…I was wondering if I could speak to you in private?”

“I do not mind to seem rude, sir, but is it a pressing matter? There is another matter of business that requires my attention…”

“It is most important…I need to speak to you at once.”

Sean looked over his shoulder towards the back staircase that led to Orlando and finally pressed his lips into a firm line of acquiescence. “Alright my lord…would you please follow me?”

Sean led Ian back through the crowded ballroom to the front entry hall and the library beyond. The room was large but the many bookcases muffled the noise and kept any echo at a minimum. The room was a little chilly at the moment, and so Sean turned to Ian as soon as they were both inside.

“If you are cold, I could have one of the servants light a fire…”

“Oh no, sir, that will not be necessary.” Ian quickly interjected, closing the door behind them to leave them alone in the library. The older man stood firmly with his arms crossed across his chest and looked firmly at the blonde man before him.

“Now sir,” Ian said carefully. “I want you to know that I desire no quarrel with you…”

Sean looked at the man with question and wondered how he could have possibly offended a man he was supposed to not have seen in over twenty years. “Forgive me my lord…I must admit that I don’t know what I have done…”

“Who are you?”

The question took Sean aback and he stared stunned at the older man, his arms crossed over his chest as well. Sean managed to shift his weight to his other leg and tried his damndest to maintain eye contact. “I beg your pardon sir? I am Lord Alec Trevelyan Lee, son of…”

Ian silences him with the slightest hand gesture and shook his head. “I may have only seen Alec Trevelyan Lee a handful of times when he was a boy, but I do recall a few very important physical attributes. First, he was a scrawny boy.”

Sean stood a little straighter and tightened his arms across his chest. “I have filled out through the years in my many travels. People can change, my Lord.”

Ian nodded in agreement but did not look convinced. “He had darker hair as well.”

Again Sean was able to maintain his composure and grew a little more assured with himself when he quickly responded, “Ah yes, but you see my hair was lightened by the sun this last year while I was in Greece.”

Ian narrowed his eyes and took a step forward, leaning in slightly towards the other man. Sean fought the urge to hurry from the room as those intense eyes studied every single pore on his face…every line and every wrinkle. “He had brown eyes…like his mother.”

Sean’s green eyes closed in defeat, his shoulders slumping forward as he let the act fall. He relaxed his face and body and looked up at Ian as Sean the grounds man from Sheffield and not Lord Alec Trevelyan Lee.

“Ian…” he said, his old warm accent returning. “Please…I beg you not to tell.”

The older man froze as realization washed over his face. He took a step back away from the other man and raised a hand as though he thought Sean was a ghost. “Sean…what…how…”

Sean stepped forward and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “There is much to explain, and I need more time than we have now to tell you…only know that for now, I am Lord Trevelyan Lee, and not Sean Bean.”

“But Sean…the real Alec…what happens when he discovers…”

He wont, Ian,” Sean said. “The real Alec died years ago…I was the only person Chris ever told.”

Ian looked most confused indeed. He opened his mouth to speak again but Sean silenced him. “Forgive me, but at the moment I must be brief. Mortensen tried to have me killed…it was he that burned down Christopher’s house and most likely killed him. My manservant Marton is the one who found me and cared for me, and now I have come back in the guise of Alec so that I can take back Orlando and claim my revenge on Mortensen. I will explain all to you later, come see me when you like….we have much to discuss.”

“Indeed,” Ian nodded in agreement, his eyes glassy at the mention of Christopher’s death and the realization that he could have been murdered. “This is all quite…this is much to take in…”

Sean clasped the older man’s shoulders. “I know, and I am truly sorry for throwing it all on you like this, but I really must go…I need to see to Orlando and make sure he is alright.”

Ian’s eyes widened in worry. “He’s not…”

“He’s all right,” Sean said. “He had a bit of a fall, but Colin is attending to him.”

Sean did not notice Ian’s face fall at the mention of the Irishman’s name. “Sean…there is something I must tell you about Colin…”

The blonde Brit pulled Ian into an embrace and again apologized. “Forgive me, Ian, but I cannot wait any longer, I must go to him now…this charade is killing me.”

Ian tried to call out after the other man’s retreating form, but Sean obviously did not have an ear for what he had to say. Ian only hoped that the man would not get too great a shock when he realized how much had actually changed since the fire.

Sean hurried through the halls to the back stairs, trying his best to avoid any of his guests to stray from further interruptions. He bounded the stairs two at a time as he went to Marton’s chambers where his friend had told him Orlando was resting. He could not wait to see his love again, their previous encounter not the warm meeting he really had wanted.

The door beckoned him, and Sean reached forward to grab the handle of the closed door but a noise stopped him.

He heard a breathy cry followed by a deep moan.

Sean stilled with his hand on the knob. His whole body became rigid as he listened carefully to make sure he was not mistaken and heard the noise again. Sean’s jaw clenched as he took firm hold of the knob and gently turned ip, opening the door with the greatest of ease so that the faintest crack allowed him space to look through and behold the goings on of the bedchamber.

Inside the simple room, he could see the naked back and side of a dark haired man that he recognized to be the Irishman Colin Farrell. He remembered Colin from when the man had worked in the stables and in the house. He remembered that the Irishman as a bed warmer…a man that took many lovers yet stayed with none. And here was this man now…in the room where he was to find Orlando…

Sean’s rage boiled when he took in he scene before him. Sweat covered skin covered sweat covered skin. The smell of it hung in the air as Sean breathed in. He saw Farrell’s body between long naked legs, the Irishman’s hips thrusting short and sharp into the trembling body beneath him.

But it was not so much the Irishman’s body that caught Sean’s eye, but Orlando’s.

Orlando’s knees hugging the man’s waist. Orlando’s hips rolling up to meet the man’s hard thrusts. Orlando’s back arching as he was pleasured by the man fucking him. Orlando’s mouth open in a breathless gasp as he was pounded into.

But more than his body it was his breathy voice begging for the man to fuck him harder…faster…

Colin dipped his head down and caught one of Orlando’s plump nipples between his teeth, making Orlando arch his back and bit his lower lip to keep from crying out as he used to when Sean made love to him.

Sean’s heart broke as he watched Farrell lavish kisses to his beloved’s smooth chest and sensitive throat while he claimed his body. With the heartbreak came the rage and jealousy. He did not know how the Irishman had managed to first find his way into Orlando’s bed, but he would certainly find out.

Sean closed the door, not caring if it made a noise. He obviously let it close a little too loudly, for Orlando made a little cry inside, asking if there was someone at the door. He could hear Farrell begin to say something and immediately left, stalking down the hall to find Marton again. He had done his part at this party, and he did not feel that his presence was any longer required.

The ball was still in full swing and the guests seemed to be having a wonderful time. Marton was still at his post as Sean had left him, and he went over to the man with firm steps that ensured none would attempt conversation with him.

Marton looked a little surprised to see Sean coming towards him in such a state, and frankly was surprised to see the man at all that early after going to see his darling Orlando. He furrowed his brows and crossed his hands behind his back as he waited to hear what his ‘employer’ had to say to him.

“If anyone asks of me, give them my sincere apologies but tell them I had to leave, for I was called away on business matters. Make sure that all are seen out in a few hours. I am going to my private library upstairs, I want you to have Orlando’s valet Mr. Farrell meet me there, but do not tell him who it is that requests his presence.”

“On what do you need to see him?” Marton asked quietly, his brows furrowed.

“Trespassing,” Sean said darkly, his eyes hard and burning with rage.

Marton did not ask anything further and merely nodded. He had some idea of what had happened but figured he would be told in due time. If not by Sean himself then by Dominic. The large Russian watched as Sean turned and stalked from the great room, his head down to avoid anyone that approached him.

Marton kept his careful eyes on the goings on of the grand affair. He went to Dominic and informed him of Sean’s leave and told the young man to inform the other valets that the host had retired and that the guests were merely asked to take their leave at eleven as planned. The young man nodded and went to do as he was told.

Marton decided to leave the maintaining of the guests to old Mr. Plummer and went to find Mr. Farrell for Sean. He passed on the orders to the old butler and made his way to the back staircase to his bedchambers where he had left the Irish valet and his beauteous employer.

There was noise from inside the closed room and so Marton made sure to knock loudly. He could hear muffled voices before there was a breathy, “Enter!” called out in a soft voice.

Marton turned the handle and opened the door, stepping into the room in time to see Farrell fasten the last button of his trousers and Orlando fumbled with his last few buttons of his shirt. Orlando’s face was flushed as he heard the man enter the room, thinking back to what he and Colin had just done in another man’s bed. The young beauty was obviously mortified when he recognized the man’s Russian accent and realized it was Marton, the man whose bed he had just sullied with his valet.

“Forgive me for intruding sir,” Marton said, making no note that he was aware of what the two had just been doing. “I need to have a word with your valet.“ He turned to the Irishman and addressed him directly. “Your presence is requested in the library Mr. Farrell, I can direct you if you need.”

The dark haired man nodded and turned to Orlando. “Would you like to wait here, or should I take you back down to the ball?”

He ran a hand down Orlando’s arm and the young man clutched to his shirtfront to hold himself up in his awkward sitting position. “I don’t want to go downstairs. I am done with this horrid affair. Please leave me here and fetch me when you are done.”

Colin brushed the hair from Orlando’s face and nodded, leaning down to gently capture Orlando’s lips in a soft kiss.

The young man tore back from the kiss, his blank eyes flickering from Colin’s direction to where he thought Marton stood, knowing the man had not yet left the room. “Colin…” he said in a shocked voice. “Don’t…”

Colin looked back to Marton and decided to ignore him, looking back at Orlando and gently taking hold of his slender wrists to stop the protesting hands that were pushing at his chest. “It doesn’t matter,” He insisted. “I don’t care if he sees…let Mortensen know…let everyone know that I love you. I’m going to take you away from this horrible place and you will never have to think of your bastard of a husband again.”

Orlando gasped at the man’s words. “Colin…you must not say such things! What if Viggo were to find out…he would kill you! I am sure of it!”

Colin leaned in to kiss him again and Orlando again struggled, but it was obvious that his struggles were more for show, and were definitely not as urgent. “We can’t…” he insisted, his voice a small whisper and not very convincing.

Colin turned to Marton and stood tall, his one arm sill holding Orlando against him. “Are you going to tell anyone what you’ve seen?” he asked, his voice firm. “Because I love him, and I want to kiss him properly before I have to leave him again, and I don’t want him to worry.”

Marton shrugged. “It matters not to me what you do. Why should I say anything?”

Colin looked back down at Orlando and gently took the younger man’s upper arms in his hands. “You see…he does not care. Please kiss me.”

Orlando flushed but tentatively leaned forward and pressed his petal lips to the other man’s.

Colin smiled and kissed Orlando softly before pulling away and resting the forehead to the blind youth’s. “Thank you,” He whispered before rising to his feet, giving Orlando’s arm one last rub. He watched as the beauty lay down upon the pillows, wrapping his arms before him and pulling his knees up to his chest.

“Will you come back for me?” he asked.

Colin nodded. “Of course,” he promised.

With that, the Irishman turned to the Russian and nodded that he was ready to go.

Marton thought Colin was a very strange man indeed.

Regardless of whether Marton found the other man sane or not, he was still going to follow through with his instructions and bring the man to the library where Sean was waiting for him.

“Who wants to see me?” Colin asked.

“I am afraid I am not supposed to say,” Marton said. “I do believe he wanted a surprise, yes?”

Colin nodded but did not say anything else. He still wondered who it could be. Was it Mortensen? Had the man discovered Orlando’s affair and decided to finally get rid of him?

The Irishman definitely did not want to discount that possibility and tried to think of anything he could use as a defense against the crazed lord. He flicked his eyes before him to make sure that Marton was not looking back in his direction. Luckily, the Russian was looking forward down the hall, and Colin took the opportunity to grab a candlestick off of one of the little side hall tables. Marton looked back at the small noise the action caused but Colin just smiled as though nothing had happened and with a small quirk of his face Marton turned back around.

The large man finally stopped and turned back to Colin. “Here you are,” he said, motioning to the door next to him.

Colin nodded and held the candlestick behind him out of the other man’s eyesight as he passed through the door that was opened for him. Once he was inside, the door was closed securely, and he was left alone with the occupant.

The Irishman took a deep breath and turned to the center of the room, searching for the one who occupied it. Perhaps he was there first?

“So…this is the man that dares to touch my beloved.”

Colin froze at the sound of the far too familiar voice. This was not Mortensen…

It was not Viggo that stood from a chair near several shelves about ten feet away. It was not Viggo that turned to Colin and fixed him with an burning emerald gaze.

The candlestick dropped from Colin’s lax hand as he stared in disbelief.


The light haired man looked to Colin with rage as he stepped forward.

“They said you were dead…that you died in the fire…”

“How long did you wait until you took him to warm your bed?” Sean hissed. “A month? A week? Did a whole day go by before you took your turn?”

Colin’s eyes narrowed. He had respected this man so much…idolized him even, and now he would make such horrible assumptions?

Sean grabbed Colin by the shirtfront and slammed him back against the door. “You are no better than that bastard Mortensen.”

Colin’s eyes narrowed and he viciously shoved Sean backwards. “Me?!” He shouted. “I’m the bastard? What about you, Sean? You let him believe that you are dead…why?! What possible reason could you have to abandon him?”

Sean’s fist slammed into the wall beside the Irishman’s head. “I do not need to explain myself to you…I thought he was dead! I went through agony for months before I discovered he was alive!”

“And he did not as well?” Colin asked, his voice hoarse as he remembered the time he spent with Orlando in the hospital…when he gave Orlando a bath and the boy did not come up from the water. “He still is in agony, Sean. He died when he thought you did, and now he is married to Mortensen.”

“I see he managed to find some comfort in your arms” Sean sneered.

Colin shoved the man back hard. “You don’t know what it was like!” he shouted, tears forming in his eyes and coursing down his cheeks. “You didn’t see him in that hospital! You didn’t watch him fade away into madness and then a willing death! You didn’t see him after nights when he was with Mortensen…the man bled him Sean…he ravaged him until he bled and Orlando let him so his friends could have a place to live and work at his manor.”

Pain shot through the blonde’s chest at the words the man before him spoke. He could almost feel the pain that coursed through Colin’s body as well, and he had to turn away from the dark haired man, for he could not bear to look at him. A trembling hand rose to his face and shielded his eyes from what the Irishman had to say.

“I know how much you love him, Sean, and so do I.” Colin confessed. His chest heaved as he stood and spoke to the other man. He could see Sean’s shoulders shaking telling him that he was not the only one that shed tears.

“I love him and I could not bear to stand by and watch him fade again…not again! I’ll never forgive myself for letting him marry that bastard and I’ll be damned if I was not going to let him live a life without love.” Colin watched through blurry eyes as the other man’s shoulders slumped forward in defeat, his hands covering his eyes as he listened.

“Had I known you lived I never would have touched him,” Colin swore. “Never…but you were gone…you were dead…and he needed love or he would have died as well. I know I should ask for your forgiveness, but I will not. He needed me and I needed him…and he will never be a regret.”

Sean sank into the chair in despair, holding his face in his hands as he wept for his love. “So much…it is so much…” he whispered to the room. “I knew that Mortensen was a bastard…but to be that cruel to my darling Orlando…”

He shook his head as though trying to convince himself it was all a lie, though by what he had seen and heard that night already, he was certain that every word Farrell spoke was true.

“His blindness…” he murmured. “Did Mortensen…do that…?” Sean looked up at the Irishman that stood before him with reddened eyes, waiting for a response.

Colin shook his head. “He was the cause in a manner of speaking. That night he…raped Orlando. He tore his insides and was cruel enough to make your love want to run away. Orlando got on a horse, but the pain was too great to ride…and he fell…his head struck a rock when he hit ground.”

“Oh God…” Sean sobbed, resting his eyes in his hand again. “My poor sweet love. How did it ever come to this?”

Colin’s chest still rose as his heard pounded, but he was beginning to calm, the other man’s obvious pain at hearing the news easing him a little. He could the man he used to know and admire before him…not the cold Lord whose life he had seemed to have adopted.

“It was never meant to be like this…” Sean said, taking a deep breath as more tears escaped his green eyes. “There was not much else I could do…this was the only way I could have gotten him back…but I never thought it would be this bad.”

Colin wanted to know exactly what happened, but he figured the man was on his way to telling and just needed his time, so he remained silent and waited with as much patience as he could muster.

“It all just took so much time…so much planning…”

“What took so long?” Colin asked. “It was months that Orlando was in the hospital…and weeks until the wedding.”

“I was not fully healed for over a month…I don’t honestly know how long.” Sean said, looking up at Colin.

The Irishman took a step forward towards the Brit but kept his movements slow. “Healed? What happened? You weren’t burned…”

Sean shook his head. “No…not burned. I was shot by Mortensen’s valet, Grant.”

Colin’s eyes widened in shock. “Mortensen’s valet?…”

Sean nodded. “Mortensen must have wanted me dead so he could marry Orlando, that’s the only explanation I can come up with. Marton found me and took care of me until I was healthy. It was him that told me that Orlando was not the one who had died, for he had seen Elijah’s picture in the paper.”

“Marton…your valet Marton?”

Sean nodded. “Dominic is here as well, posing as another of my servants.”
Colin studied the man before him. “So this whole charade...what exactly do you hope to get out of it?”

Sean looked up at the other man with a steady gaze and evenly said, “Revenge.”

Colin nodded. “And what of this revenge? Do you intend to take it out on Mortensen alone or shall you include Orlando, for I warn you I shall take him from this place if you intend to hurt him in the slightest.”

“I love Orlando,” Sean said. “It kills me he has endured so much already.”

Colin nodded, he believed the man’s words and could her their truth in his voice. He stepped forward again and knelt before Sean, looking up into the man’s familiar face and saw for the first time that man he had known over a year ago.

“I never would have touched him,” Colin swore. “If I had known you were alive.”

Sean looked hard at him before he reached out and clasped Colin’s shoulder. “I believe you.” he said. “I confess I do not quite understand your relationship with Orlando...but I shall forgive it, as I do not believe it was begun out of base lust.”

“He doesn’t love me, you know,” Colin said softly. “It is a fact I have come to accept, but our relationship was never for love...it was just something that we both needed. I would never want to come between you two.”

Sean looked down at the other man and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You love him though?”

Colin nodded. “Desperately. And it is because I love him that I would never stand between him and the man he really loves. I know he still chooses you, Sean. You will always be his choice...even in death.” A sudden thought came to Colin and he looked up at Sean insistently. “But what am I to tell him about you? Shall I tell him you are alive?”

Sean shook his head. “He truly has not recognized me then?”

Colin shook his head. “I think deep down he knows it is you, but he can’t let himself believe. It took everything in him to believe you we dead, I don’t think he will allow himself to get any of his hopes up.”

The Brit nodded. “I felt that when I spoke to him. I think I prefer it this way...do not tell him what you know..I don’t want to put any unnecessary strain on him. Remain as you were, and make no action that would indicate anything is amiss. If he asks where you were summoned, merely say it was a meeting of the valets to discuss the guests’ departure proceedings. I shall contact you through Dom when I again require your services. Can you do this?”

Colin nodded. “I can...but what are you going to do?”

Sean gave a wry smile and reached into his pocket, withdrawing a gold coin. His smile broadened as Colin’s eyes lit at the sight. “This is one of thousands that I have in my possession,” Sean said. “For the past two weeks, my solicitor Mr. Serkis has been compiling the records for every financial investment Mortensen and his company has made. “I intend to buy them out, and take his own business and financial resource out from under him. Once I have control of his own businesses, I shall remove him and he will have nothing.”

Colin grinned at the sound of the plan. Mortensen’s life would be destroyed and the man would be ruined...it sounded glorious.

“What of Orlando?” Colin asked.

“When the moment is right, I shall take Orlando back from him. I do not know how just yet...but once I have disgraced Mortensen and let him suffer in the public eye he so dearly upholds...I intend to kill him.”

Colin took a sharp intake of breath. “Though I have as great a wish to see the man dead as you...do you really want to risk the possibility of being caught for the deed? You yourself could be arrested...and then you would certainly never see Orlando again.”

Sean nodded. “Such things I too have thought about. You need not worry, should the time come, it would be a fair duel. I intend to challenge him for both my honor and Orlando’s. The law would never come between a duel of honor, and my vengeance would be fulfilled.”

“And so it is,” Colin said. “I thank you for your sharing your plan with me. You may trust me to keep it secret, for I wish it to be fulfilled as well.”

“You should go now,” Sean said, standing and offering a hand to the kneeling man to help him rise. “You need to collect Orlando for the guests will be leaving soon. Remember...say nothing of our meeting to him. I shall contact you shortly with advancements in the scheme.”

Sean pulled the dark haired man into an embrace before he left the room. “I thank you for your care,” he said softly before opening the door and motioning for Colin to leave.

Colin went to the door and stopped, turning around with one hand still on the wooden frame.

“I thank god that you are alive,” he said softly, turning to leave before Sean could reply. He hurried down the hall, both elated and brokenhearted.


please review my darlings!!

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