(no subject)

Nov 20, 2012 23:53

Kink Meme Fill
Title: Accidental 5/?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Arthur/Eames, Arthur/Robert, mentions of a het relationship
Prompt: University AU, Previously straight Eames wants his roommate Robert's boyfriend Arthur after accidentally walking in on the two having sex in their dorm room.

Note: This chapter hasn't been betaed, so there may be a few errors.

The party was starting to dwindle, tired students slumped together on the various furniture and some on their phones organizing a ride. Robert was easy enough to find, the other boy leaning heavily on Arthur, who was staggering under his dead weight. Eames ambled over, plucking up one of Robert’s limp arms and pulling it over his shoulder.

“I’ve got him,” Arthur said, clutching his boyfriend about the waist to keep his close.

Eames gave him a sympathetic smile before hiking Robert up against himself further. “Come on, Robbie,” he said playfully, winking at Ariadne. “Let’s get you home.” Robert groaned, his head lolling forward. He could hear Arthur talking quietly to Ari, and saluted a goodbye before hauling Robert out of the house. Robert mumbled nonsensically, his arm clenching how and then against Eames’ neck, but overall he was a dead weight. Eames considered picking him up and tossing him over his shoulder fireman style, but worried it would empty the other boy’s stomach.

He heard the door shut over his shoulder, and soon Arthur was there at Robert’s other side, digging in his boyfriend’s pocket for his keys. Eames paused to make his task easier, but eyed Arthur carefully when the other boy moved ahead wordlessly to open Robert’s car.

“You’re not driving,” Eames said.

“You’re drunk too,” Arthur said, not bothering to look back while he opened the back door and driver’s side.


Arthur ignored him, instead sliding into the driver’s seat. “Can you sit back there with him in case he needs help?”

“Arthur.” Eames said again, adjusting his hold on a mumbling Robert and fighting down the urge to reach out and and take hold of Arthur’s arm, force the other boy to look at him.

Arthur slid into the seat before finally swinging his head around towards Eames, his jaw set in what looked like an effort to keep quiet and look composed. His face was flushed from more than just the alcohol, his darting eyes betraying just how flustered he truly was. The other boy narrowed his eyes to glare at his, his jaw tight.

“Robert would probably rather be back here with you, man,” Eames said again, moving Robert towards the back seat before helping him in. Arthur still didn’t move, but when Eames had finally wrestled the seatbelt over Robert’s slouched form, he looked over to see Arthur opening the driver’s side door, going all the way around the car so as not the walk past Eames. He got into the car next to Robert, his face softening when the other boy lolled his head against his shoulder, mumbling nonsensically. Eames shut the door and got behind the wheel, the keys stuck in the ignition. He took a deep breath, knowing he probably shouldn’t be driving, but then again their little encounter had been...sobering.

Eames drove carefully, trying to keep his eyes on the road but unable to keep himself from stealing little glances back at Arthur and Robert. Arthur had Robert’s head on his shoulder, his own head tilted back against the seats to expose the length of his throat. Eames licked his lips, fingers tightening on the steering wheel. Once he caught Arthur’s eyes in the mirror, the other boy giving his head a small shake before glancing to Robert’s sleeping form. Eames kept his eyes forwards the rest of the ride, not wanting to give Arthur the wrong impression. He just wish he had a clearer picture of what the wrong impression really was.

Back at the dorms, Arthur stubbornly pulled Robert out of the car himself, stumbling over the drunken dead weight of the other boy while Robert murmured nonsensical apologies to him, messily trying to kiss his cheek. Arthur wound Robert’s arm about his neck, irritation creeping into his voice as he ushered his boyfriend towards the door.

Eames followed them a pace or two behind, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders rounded forwards. He finally helps when they get to the door, holding it open with his foot while Arthur drags Robert inside, his breath leaving in short bursts through his nose. The student manning the front desks glances up from the gossip rag and bag of cheetos to watch them blankly before looking looking down again, bringing another bright orange snack to her mouth with a roll of her eyes.

They stand in front of the elevator side by side, watching the numbers slowly drop down to the lobby. Robert suddenly swayed, falling backwards and taking Arthur with him. Eames jerked out on reflex, managing to catch Robert by his jacket before he fell on his ass. “Ok, Robert,” he huffed, pulling one of the boy’s arms over his broad shoulders. “Almost home, buddy, ok?”

Arthur stood beside him, his arms folded over his chest and his eyes downcast. Eames could see his jaw clenching when the bell dinged but tried to ignore him. He managed Robert’s weight easily, the other boy drooping but supported. Arthur accepted the help silently, opting instead to open the door to the dorm room with Robert’s keys and beelining for his boyfriend’s room. Eames carried Robert to the room, finding Arthur there sifting through a bucket in the boy’s closet. He settled Robert down onto the bed and looked up to see Arthur standing there with a bottle of aspirin.

“Could you get him some water?” Arthur tossed over his shoulder, already stooping down to unlace Robert’s shoes. He didn’t bother to look back, his shoulders tense as he worked. Eames did as he asked, grabbing a bottle from the mini fridge in their commons area. He eyed the bottle of vodka they had chilling at the top, considering it for a second before grabbing it. He ambled over to Robert’s room again, holding the bottle out to Arthur. He’d gotten Robert’s pants and shirt off and had managed to roll him up onto his pillow. Eames could hear the drunk boy snoring softly, his mouth hanging open in a manner which Robert himself would be horrified by were he sober.

“Thanks.” Arthur took the bottle from Eames, his eyes downcast and lips slightly parted. He inhaled sharply, teeth worrying his lip as he flashed his eyes up before looking away again, walking over to Robert and sinking down to his side. He shook him hard, whispering his name until the boy groaned groggily. Eames turned as Arthur put two white pills into Robert’s mouth, opening the bottle as he made his way to his own room. He took a long drink, switching on his small desk lamp and casting a soft glow over the room.

The bed dipped beneath him as he sat, his elbows settling heavy against his knees. Eames sighed, one broad hand wiping down over his face before he took another drink. The quiet room unfortunately was far too conducive to thought, and that was the absolute last thing Eames wanted to do. His lips tingled with the memory of Arthur’s brushing against him, and he rubbed the heel of his hand over them to chase the memory away. The liquor burned going down, but didn’t clear his head fast enough. His fist clenched and unclenched before finally finding his cellphone and scrolling for Anne’s name. He barely stopped himself from throwing the phone against the wall in frustration as he realized he had no idea what he’d say to her, that there was nothing he could say at the moment. He could blame everything on Arthur if he hadn’t gotten hard, but he fucking had. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been that hard, except maybe when he’d jerked off in the shower after seeing-

Eames groaned aloud, reaching for his ipod and earbuds. If he couldn’t clear his head, he’d bloody well fill it with something else.

The next morning, Eames woke to rumpled sheets, a dead ipod, and sticky boxers. Jesus, what was he, 13? He took off his underwear and pulled on a pair of clean looking sweatpants from his laundry hamper. He could hear faint noises outside his door and realized at least one of the other two boys was awake. He rubbed his hands over his face, too thirsty and hungry to just hide out in his room as he wanted to at the moment. Eames decided to just beeline for the fridge and then go back to his room and watch movies on his laptop.

The plan was a good one until he opened the door and found both Arthur and Robert on the couch, their heads turning almost in unison to see him standing there awkwardly. Eames really wished he’d put on a shirt before opening the door, and couldn’t help but notice the way Arthur’s tongue darted out to wet his lips when he took in his bare torso. Robert was curled up at the corner of the couch, propped up by pillows with a blanket tucked up around his neck and a fizzing cup of what looked like Ginger Ale sitting on the coffee table before him. Arthur’s knees were tucked up against his chest, a remote control in his hands. He ducked his head, tucking his hair behind his ear as he looked deliberately back towards the TV where he was playing Batman.

“Hey there big man,” Eames said, forcing a toothy grin at Robert. “How’s the head?”

Robert groaned dramatically, his eyes fluttering shut as his head fell back against the pillows. “I feel like ass,” he huffed, shifting under his comforter. “My head was pounding when i got up, but Arthur gave me some meds and got me some ginger ale.” He snuck a foot out to nudge against Arthur’s side, offering him a lip pursed air kiss.

“I grabbed muffins too....if you, you know, want one,” Arthur said, his voice small as he glanced up again at Eames.

“Babe, don’t talk about food, or I’m going to puke,” Robert immediately interjected, curling his nose.

“You didn’t puke yet?” Eames asked, walking over to the fridge to get his container of Orange Juice before poking through the muffins Arthur mentioned, palming a poppyseed one.

“Yeah, he did around like four last night,” Arthur replied. “I’m shocked you didn’t wake up, man. He wasn’t exactly discreet about it.”

Robert reached out with his foot again, lifting the hem of Arthur’s shirt as he rubbed him. “Baby...could you get me some dry cereal or something?” He pouted his lips comically and nestled the blanket further around his neck.

Arthur nodded, handing Robert the controller before standing and moving across the small room to the plastic shelf where Robert and Eames stored their food. He grabbed a box of Apple Jacks and tore open the top, keeping his back to Eames. Robert was now focused on the TV, pressing idly at the controller without too much interest. Eames moves towards him, his throat tight with things he wants to say but instead he just comes to stand behind Arthur, staring at the back of the other boy’s head. Arthur turned with the mug he’d filled with the cereal and almost slammed into Eames. He looked up at the larger boy with knit brows, nervous as he shook his head when Eames opened his mouth to say something. He weaved around Eames carefully and went back to Robert, handing the other boy the mug before slumping down onto the couch.

Robert looked down into the mug and frowned. “Don’t we have any Quaker Oats left?”

Arthur shook his head. “There’s just the Life and Cranberry clusters...”

Robert looked glumly down into his cup, his upper lip curling as he looked at the brightly colored cereal inside.

“You having a strop, Robbie?” Eames asked, unscrewing his juice and downing almost a fifth in one go. “Being a bit of a princess?”

Robert snorted, tilting his head back until he could see the other boy. “I just want a snack,” he said petulantly. “Nothing looks good.”

“Well I already poured it,” Arthur said, his fingers flying over the remote. “So you’ll just have to eat it.”

“It’s just one bowl,” Robert said, leaving his blanket cocoon just enough to put the mug on that take. “I’m not eating that, though, it looks awful. Let’s just have stuff delivered.”

“Eat your leftover pizza from the other night,” Arthur countered. “That’s not going to be good for much longer, anyway.”

Robert flopped back against the couch, his lips pursed again. “That’s been in there for like two days, babe, you know I don’t like leftovers...come on I’ll buy. Eames, you want a sandwich or something?”

A rosy flush crept over Arthur’s cheeks and he made an explicit point not to look over at Robert again. Robert didn’t seem to notice, and even went on to ask Arthur if he wanted anything while he took out his phone. “No thank you,” Arthur said tersely. “I’ll just eat your pizza.”

“You don’t have to, want me to get you one of those pesto chicken paninis you like?”

Arthur shook his head, still not looking over at Robert. The other boy was still not phased, instead glancing back at Eames for an answer. Eames held up his muffin in response, which made Robert sigh.

“Just me then” he said with a sigh, scrolling through his phone until he found the number he was looking for and made his order.

Eames crossed over to the table, picking up the mug of cereal and settling into the disk chair next to the couch. Arthur glanced over at him from under dark lashes. “You don’t have to eat that,” he said quietly.

Eames popped a few orange pieces into his mouth with a cheeky grin. “Always did like these,” he offered.

“See,” Robert said, knocking Arthur’s knee with his own as he stood. “All fixed.” He disappeared into his bedroom and grabbed his wallet. “I’m gonna rent a movie from the front desk while I wait, you want anything babe?”

Arthur shrugged. “Something with hot guys and explosions?”

“And some titties for Eames, maybe?” Robert tittered, ruffling Arthur’s hair fondly. “Be right back.”

As soon as the door was shut, Arthur was glancing over at Eames, his looks small and discreet but unmistakable considering how focused Eames was on him. He took a big bite of the muffin, his eyes narrowing as he tried to decipher what Arthur could possibly be holding back, what he was thinking. He knew they wouldn’t have too long, but the silence was already giving him far too much opportunity to think about what Arthur had felt like against him, under him.

“I hate it when he does this,” Arthur softly said, his voice cutting through Eames’ train of thought. “I know he has the money and all, but the waste thing just bothers me...I mean he always wants to get these big dinners even though we both know he’s never going to eat it later. I fucking told him he didn’t need that whole pizza...but that’s just how he is, I guess. If he wants something, he gets it, you know?”

Eames’ brows furrowed as he listened to Arthur ramble until he realized the other boy was just trying to fill the silence himself. He still hadn’t looked over at Eames, but wasn’t really playing his game either. His character had died and the “Try again?” question was on the faded screen. He waited for Arthur to continue, but the other boy sat quietly now, his arms going to wrap around his legs and leaving the controller sitting beside him on the couch.

“I can’t really get mad at Robbie,” Eames admitted, still chewing on the cereal. “I mean...he can’t help the silver spoon handicap, you know? At least he’s got you to even him out.”

Arthur grimaced at this, the look fleeting but visible enough. He worried the side of his lip, finally turning his body towards the other boy and drawing a pillow to his lap. “He didn’t deserve what happened last night,” he murmured, just loud enough for Eames to hear.

Eames immediately felt his face heat and his jaw clench. “You’re making a lot out of nothing” He looked down into the mug with a purse of his thick lips. “We were drunk, there’s really nothing else to say.”

Arthur narrowed his eyes at him skeptically, his shoulders squaring in the other boy’s direction. “Really? That was just what....par for the course drunk behavior for you? Dry humping your roommate’s boyfriend?”

“You grind your ass like that on every guy you dance with?” Eames snapped icily, head tilting down so he could glare at Arthur over the bridge of his nose.

Arthur shifted closer to Eames as he struggled to keep his voice down. “I can take my share of blame, but don’t you fucking try and pretend like I forced you to do anything. You pushed me down onto that couch all on your own.”

Eames felt heat rushing through his arms and chest, his palms suddenly feeling clammy and he forced himself to maintain Arthur’s steady gaze, boring into him with narrowed eyes. “What are you fucking implying, Arthur?”

“Nothing,” Arthur returned just as frostily, the simple word conveying far more than it would otherwise indicate.

“I don’t do shit like that,” Eames finally said. “I’ve never done something like that before, if that’s what you think.”

Much to his surprise, Arthur instantly softened, his shoulders deflating just enough to lose their antagonistic edge. He almost looked sad sitting there, and Eames felt a hint of anger at what he thought looked like pity on the other boy’s open face. Arthur drew one knee to his chest and hugged it, his pouty lips gently parted as though there was something on wanted to say which he was holding back. “I thought about you.”

Eames looked up at him carefully, his eyes narrowing. Arthur didn’t take the look for the sign to stop talking he was meant to, though, and continued on.

“After you walked in on us...” Arthur looked down now, his cheeks flushing. “That time on the couch...” He looked up at Eames as though he was waiting for a sign that he understood the event Arthur was referring to, as though he could ever have forgotten look on Arthur’s face when he saw Eames watching them fuck.

Arthur was watching him again now, his arms tightening about his leg and face looking so goddam boyish and earnest Eames almost couldn’t stand looking at him. His entire body felt taut to the point of snapping, anticipating the other boy’s next words.

“I can’t get you out of my head.”

arthur/eames, fic: accidental

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