As of now Chuck is all WHOA! gone. I'm trying to sneak him into someone's EP, hopefully with Roger because I enjoy shoving Chuck not only into awkward situations, but awkward situations with people he doesn't really like. Aw Chuck. I lubs you.
For the record, here is his grand entrance into dinoplottage:
Chuck didn't make a habit of getting himself into stupid situations, at least not the kind of situations that involved being out in life-threatening weather on mysterious parts of an island he didn't know very well to begin with. He had fallen asleep curled up next to Geoffrey in the safest, least-cramped place they could find, clutching him tight to keep him calm in the claustrophobic dark. He had woken up to find himself in the middle of fucking nowhere, dirty and uncomfortable in the goddamn donkey pajama bottoms and the blousy brown shirt (at least he had his boots) with something small and reptilian gnawing on his shoe.
Fucking dinosaurs. Then, a little more loudly, with a little more of a hysterical edge as he shook the relatively harmless thing off, "Goddamn it!"
He stood abruptly, winced at some degree of discomfort and a little bit of bruising, and decided that threat of dinos aside he wasn't much in the mood for subtlety. He yelled, for lack of any better option, "Where the fuck is this?"
Hope that's alright with you
mymusicalpie. :x *lubs upon* Currently he's tagged into Roger's post, but that may change if Suzi'd prefer me to delete said tag. All the same he is now Not There, and is having fun exciting times with fabulous lizards. WHEEFUN!!