You remeber how I thought
a 19" screen was sooo big it was almost annoying when dad gave me his old one?
Well, today that very same screen broke, due to a basic problem that seems to be typical of Fujitsu Siemens-screens, and I'm back at the old trusty Compaq, which is only 15"
15" is tiiiiiny you guys! ;____________; Why did I ever get used to the big screen?
When the screen started acting up I thought it was the graphics card in the computer
toccata fixed for me, so i connected the screen to my old computer (well, one of them, i currently have three non-useable comps at home >_>) instead... And lo and behold, the same problem. Once I'd googled a bit I came to the conclusion that it seems to be a built in problem in the screen that made it go weird, which is definitely to prefer over a busted graphics card. It's even possible that my dad, who does soldering and stuff like that, can fix the 19" screen if we can find instructions, since it seems to be something related to the capaciatators (I only know what this is because I read up on the problem just now :P). This is totally a warranty-worthy problem, but sadly the warranty was only a year... I wonder it it can go under reklamationsrätten? Any Swedes who know anything about that? Though... I dunno if I want the screen replaced by something that is quite likely to break inte the same way.