Mun Information
Name: Shiro
Age: 17
Personal LJ:
shiroxhayner Email:
AIM/MSN/YAHOO/G!Talk: aim: cherubic whisper//citric sundown
Character Information
Character Applying For: Hitachiin Hikaru
Canon Source: Ouran Koukou Host Club
Character's age: 16
Race (Human/Vampire/Half-Vampire/Clan Hunter/Family Born Hunter/Independent Hunter): Human
Character Personality: Hikaru's rather short-tempered, acts before he thinks and rarely thinks. Whenever he uses his mind though, he shows that he is more intelligent than he lets off, and also, more mature then the childish jokes and façade says. He's compulsive but is caring in his own twisted ways. He's still learning how to interact with others, so he's basically socially retarded in his own special way. He views other people as toys (Excluding family & Haruhi) and that says a lot. He does not like to think about the past or his family-matters. Hikaru has many mannerisms and tends to be selfish most of the time.
Character Description: The special thing about Hikaru is that he has a wonderfully good looking look-a-like, a.k.a. a twin. Though, the only thing that differs from his twin is his dyed hair. Before it was a crimson-orange, with a citric glow but he soon later dyed his hair to a charcoal-black color. He tends to spike his hair to opposite side of his brother. His eyes are perhaps a dark gold.
Hikaru is pretty tall, around 5'9. He has a slender, slim body that fits his whole image, being a fashion expert like his mother and whatnot.
Character Bio/History: Hitachiin Hikaru lived a sheltered life. A life where there was walls around the manor and even in his mind. The only one who was able to reach inside and get past all that was his twin brother, Kaoru. He deeply relied on his younger twin, they were always seen together, causing mischief until one day, and a young pauper had entered their lives. A pauper by the name of Fujioka Haruhi, she was the turn point of his life, the object of his affections as a child. His world brightened and his views on life had changed. Everything felt like spring; a warm and sunny time for him.
Though, one day, Haruhi disappeared and never came back. Hikaru was devastated beyond anything he had ever experienced. Kaoru had kept a cool front for him but it wasn't long before Hikaru would slowly bury the things, the memories and the words Haruhi had said to him somewhere so deep under the snow in his world; the endless winter in his mind had come back.
Right now, Hikaru is just lying around, wasting his days away with encaging himself in the manor.
Role Play Examples
Sample Post (First person): The maids are no fun . What kind of toys are they supposed to be if they refuse to play with their master~?
I’ll ask Kaoru to help me play a prank on them as a punishment later ♥
Sample Post (Third person): Clack! Bang! Splash! Screams!
A dash of orange, black, blue and white sped through the Hitachiin Manor early enough to hear the roosters do their calls. He ran with all his might. Rushing through every shortcut there was possible, knocking over countless amounts of rare sculptures. All the maids were at rage and wallowing in their misery; there was not enough evidence to prove their verdicts but they all knew whom the true culprit behind the paint-filled bottles, which replaced their face-washes. Their young master, Hitachiin Hikaru; the king of mischief, the epitome of childish buffoonery. Hikaru had ‘punished’ the maids for not playing with him properly. The boy knew the maids washed their faces every morning and a woman’s most valuable treasure was her beauty, her face. The paint in the bottles had been temporary-paint but it was the kind does not come off until a small amount of days have passed if it were stained onto human skin. Pay back felt ever so sweet right now but the black-haired wonder knew he would soon face his mother’s wicked side sooner or later.
Taking his time, the sixteen year old heir stopped in his track to look out the windows. The day couldn’t be called a day if it was an infinite night. Every night looked similar to the night when she had vanished.
He shook his head lightly, and then slowly began retreating back to his room to hide away from his toys for the meanwhile. They were all just temporary and were going to leave him again and again. She wasn’t like that, no, she had stayed by his side with Kaoru and did not let any of his trials, tests and destructive actions get to her, so why?
It bothered Hikaru to a great extent thinking about impractical matters such as this. She was just another peasant, a mere pauper, and a waste of time, just a plaything…right? This feeling, it bothered the living hell out of him. At times such as these, Kaoru would be there to comfort his brother and give him reassuring words to keep him sane. Too bad for Hikaru, Kaoru had been off here and there around the manor.
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