I will be very calm and collected here. Okay, so unknown to me, all hell broke loose over the last couple of days and I may or may not have been involved. Well you can all get off my dick because I wasn't even around and I made one fucking comment on the stupid thread with my feelings. I don't give a shit because it's my opinion, and this isn't world war three (even though people are trying to make it that way). So why are everybody and their moms making posts about this? I don't even understand, THREE maybe FOUR people were involved. So why is this your personal problem? Sorry to my flist, I know you were just shocked and giving your opinions, but SERIOUSLY. This isn't the one tree hill fandom, mkay?
I make fun of Charles for a lot of things and I know he's completely ridiculous and completely over the top, the only thing I said is that I don't make fun of the rape thing. So whatever, label me a fattie (i am so insulted, you all know i'm trying to loose weight!) or whatever mature thing you want. I'm done with this, and I know this has been over for awhile but my brothers-cousins-uncles-nephew got to put their two cents in, so I'm doing the same.
And to the anon poster if you ever stumble across my journal THAT WASNT FUCKING WANK. Me and
revertigo are pretty much best friends and we just have disagreements from time to time. SO LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR MELODRAMAS, KID. .
Oh and PS: Either way, if you make fun of it or not, we all still like the rapist dude. Put whatever spin on it you want, but that's the truth.