App for SH

Mar 09, 2011 00:00

Player Information
Name: Mozart
Timezone: PST, FUCKASS
Personal Journal: mozarteffect
Email Address: EVERRRR
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Ladies. All ladies.
How did you hear about us?: I have no idea

Character Information
Name: Farmstink Buttlass Jade Harley
Canon Origin/Series: Homestuck
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Out of school living location: Tresco, Isles of Scilly, Southwest England
Blood status: Unknown

Personality: Jade is a silly girl!!! Optimistic, cheerful, always!! types!!! in an exciiiited manner!!!!!!! :D She goes through life in a happy self-sufficient way while living on an island with her dead grandpa, suffering fits of narcolepsy and sorting out the constantly buzzing thoughts in her mind with colored strings tied to her fingers.

She also can play a haunting bass line.

...All right, so Jade doesn't quite fit the criteria for manic pixie dream girl, in actuality she's a badass cutie that's an expert markswoman (yet she will never shoot an innocent living thing), a loyal friend and a dabbler in nuclear physics. Yes, that's right, though she's excitable and quirky and really acts quite younger than the rest of her friends (she is a thirteen year old girl, come on now) she is legitimately a clever and talented kid. And has some bite to her! When Jade gets irritated with something and declares it useless for her ends, she will put on her bossy boots, fuckass.

Have we got that so far? Jade Harley is cheerful, creative, brave, skilled, intelligent and bossy when she wants to be. She's also a taaaad prophetic and was able to accurately predict the future going-ons of canon through flashes of dreams she's had to piece together during her fits of narcolepsy. This in addition to living only with her dog Bec after the accidental death of her grandfather (she accidentally shot him, this is why kids shouldn't play with rifles). Jade's...well, she's pretty well-rounded! Silly and absentminded in a sense, maybe, and she makes mistakes (who doesn't?) but she'll do what's best for her friends, goddammit.
Canon Background: Oh boy, here goes.

ONCE UPON A TIME, a silly boy got a new game for his birthday! This is a game he will play with his friends that will bring about the end of the world! He ends up making paradox clones of himself, his friends and their guardians in the process, inadvertently making ~ectotwins~ of the lot of them, though they land in separate places due to meteor crashings.

...But that's not what we're focusing on right now. Though she's seen from the beginning in various chat conversations with the kids, Jade is actually the last kid to be introduced and named in Act 3. She's first seen sleeping like a silly girl would (she actually does this a lot, it's due to fits of narcolepsy that happen for plot reasons) and promptly named "Farmstink Buttlass." It seems she expected that to happen as she left a disapproving note for the player that named her. Actually, it seems like she expects a lot of things in general as she sets up quite a few things for the future.

It's not that she's psychic; she sees them in her dreams and has to piece them together from the brief flashes. The sleeping spells are actually the work of Vriska mind controlling her for the very purpose of her seeing them and setting things up so spiderlady can set things up herself to meet her ends.

...TL;DR: Homestuck is everyone setting each other up for things in the future.

But we're not done yet. After Jade sets things up for the future and has a strife with her (stuffed and deceased) grandfather and assorted other shenanigans, she goes back inside and falls asleep entering the dream world Prospit and communicating with her friends from here through the use of a robot that runs while she's asleep (yes really). She informs them about the dream world and how they should "wake up" and go into it themselves, but then is roboslapped out of the dream world by Dave and sets herself up to be his server player for Sburb as time shenanigans got her his discs. After wrecking and rearranging his house a bit and prototyping the sprite that would later become Davesprite, Jade enters Prospit again and foils the theft of the White Queen's ring, although Miss Mail Lady has already left, leaving Jade unable to deliver it. After an attempt to wake up John's dreamself, Jade's dreamself ends up dying-as per the Harley tradition, Grandpa Harley takes the body of her dreamself and stuffs it.

Yeah. John takes the ring from her before that happens and we don't see Jade again for quite a while as more shenanigans are set up for the future. Not until Vriska mentions to John that he needs to save Jade by bringing her into the game and John magically gets a server copy of Sburb from Bec sources. Jade's delivered safely back to the waking world but...promptly falls asleep again as John pesters her.

Once Prospit explodes, however, Jade starts having HORRIFYING DREAMS and vows to never go back to sleep again. And is quite fed up with the trolls at this point and outright says that she hates them when Feferi contacts her; the conversation changes her mind somewhat on them, so she begrudgingly contacts Karkat as he told her to do months ago (once her dreambot exploded). One aggravating conversation with future and current Karkat later, John sets himself up as Jade's server player yay!

Then several pages later, Jade's dog Bec combines with the big bad Jack Noir and becomes Bec Noir, which doesn't make so much of a difference except Bec Noir can't bring himself to harm Jade out of the doglike loyalty he has left over. So when Jade is killed in a shaving cream explosion, Bec lays her on her quest bed, which helps her ascend to dog god tier and break on through the "fourth wall"!


Background (AU!Canon; HP): Crimson When Jade was born, her grandmother died.

Not just her, however, her mother also died. This left her father and grandfather (who's actually her great uncle, but never mind) with a tough decision about how to cope with the loss and raising the twins by themselves (yes, she has a twin brother). Perplexingly enough, Nanna actually left a note specifically in her will that Jade should go to live with Grandpa Harley and John should stay with Dad Egbert.

"You both have a lot to teach them so they can grow up to be a fine young man and woman hoo hoo hoo!"

Dad and Grandpa take this to heart and go their separate ways with John and Jade respectively. It seemed a pity that the twins would grow up not knowing each other, but Nanna had a certain way of knowing what sort of things were going to happen. She seemed to indicate that they would meet again and it'd be really excellent and...well, they're Harleys and Egberts, inexplicably excellent happenings was their forte. Thus, Jade was taken to the very isolated island home of Hass Harley and taught quite a few survival skills. She grew up having a variety of INTERESTS and odd flashes of dreams that ultimately signified nothing since...well, she's stuck on an island.

One dream in particular always left her scratching her head. What was so special about a boy with funny glasses?

Once she received her letter and arrived at Hogwarts, she found that there was quite an eerie coincidence going on as she befriended a boy with those same dopey glasses!!! And not only that, but she made friends with an older girl that liked tentacled beasties too! And and she accidentally flew into a sooooooo coooooooooool boy that also became her friend! Life at Hogwarts became so much funner than being at home, Jade began to dread having to return home for the holiday and deal with her (rather intense!!!) grandfather, though she loves him. Although the bizarre case of narcolepsy she has interferes with her super interesting studies, Madam Pomfrey has prescribed a potion for her to take daily to make sure she stays awake. That and her friends are always looking out for her or...carrying her to a safer place to sleep at least!

Despite the silliness and Jade's seeming spaciness (which has earned her the title "Witch of Space") she has a variety of FAVORITE SUBJECTS and INTERESTS that she pursues to the best of her ability in Hogwarts. She's disheartened that she's one of the few students that absolutely adores Herbology and Astronomy, but it's all right that just leaves more room for her to dabble in PLANT MAGIC and trying to bring together that fine line of SCIENCE and MAGIC into something really excellent! Clover

How would your character fit in to each House?

Gryffindor: This is an okay choice for Jade! She's heroic and brave despite her handicaps and despite the odds seeming to be constantly stacked against them (super derpiness grants her SUPER OPTIMISM...well that and being related to John). However, she doesn't often seek causes to herald for and sticks closely to aiding her friends.

Hufflepuff: This is a good choice for Jade! Like mentioned before, while she is brave she doesn't actively seek battles to fight for justice and quite frequently prefers to do everything she can for her friends' sake. So she's a great supporter and deliverer of pep talks and good cheer.

Hell, she even got between future Karkat and current Karkat when they were arguing to attempt mediation. Actually it was to make them both shut up because she had a headache, but details.

Ravenclaw: Well she casually dabbles in nuclear physics and has nigh incurable curiosity and creativity.

But seriously speaking, there is actually not a time when Jade is not thinking and seeking answers to questions she has. This becomes so cumbersome that she sticks colorful reminder strings on her fingers to sort her thoughts out in addition to piecing together the odd dreams she has in a coherent manner. That and she actually suffers through a pictionary modus for her sylladex because DRAWING IS FUN!! She's silly, but sharp.

Slytherin: This could work, but not as much as the others. While Jade makes plans and DOES NOT tolerate any bum legs on her walking contraption (they suffer severe scolding from her!!) she doesn't actually take the leadership position despite any tendencies towards putting on the bossy boots. Honestly, that is John's thing, he can save the world! :O

Sample Journal Entry: good morniiiiiiiiiiing!!!
is that what we are supposed to write in these things?
oh my gosh, this is so cool! is this really being seen by everyone in the school??
...hehehehe that rhymed! clearly i am using this journal to write poetry now. i should stop before i start wanting to lay down some SICK BEATS!

what else am i supposed to write now, though? maybe i will ask how everyone is doing today!

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Waking up to an empty greenhouse wasn't entirely new to Jade, but it was still simultaneously perplexing and embarrassing. "Oh no, I fell asleep in class again!" she said as if to confirm to herself what happened, straightening up and looking around to see if there was anyone else with her.

No, entirely alone and only utter silence accompanied her.

Not that she minded, being able to look at the lovely plants without other students milling about and being loud was nice. She was especially proud of some of the products she had grown lately being on display as example assignments.

Speaking of assignments, what was today's lesson again? It was a fall plant and they were practicing methods of growing one quickly...some sort of squash.

Ah, of course, it was pumpkins! Jade's pumpkin matured rather fast, earning her a few extra points for her house. She was about to work on another one when she fell asleep, having forgotten to take her potion that morning, despite the acid green reminder string on her finger. "I must have mixed it up with a potions assignment," she mumbled, examining her hands critically. "Oh! Speaking of that, I need to get to potions class right now!"

It occurred to her to try to find out what happened to the pumpkin she grew.

However, it was nowhere in sight as what usually happened with squash products Jade happened to grow. "What pumpkin?" she sighed with some exasperation, gathering up her things to move on to the next class.

Also post in the dressing room.

!app, !ooc

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