Crowley, like Aziraphale, has some pretty crazy ridiculous powers. Being from angel stock, he's capable of small miracles, but the most important is that like Aziraphale, he's got a sort of Detect Evil built in. And this is the one that needs a permissions post. He also has a penchant for causing small annoyances, generally where technology is
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Journal: sandinmyboots
Can Crowley Detect Evil: OH YES. Although Kefka doesn't act terribly evil in public, he loves murder, killing, torture, the sound of screams, terrorizing minions who aren't working fast enough, brainwashing lolis, being loud in operas etc etc. There's not a lot of malice to it--hate that's not a general "you're human and not being useful or interesting in my area, you'd be more fun dead than alive" takes a lot to spur on--but he doesn't care for human life, he likes bullying, he takes a deep joy out of having power and (mis)using it. And he knows it. He knows he's bad and he doesn't care because he's got his dream job of killing everyone his boss points him at and having no consequences. And that's fine, because he's going to become a god, the gods like murder too and anyone who doesn't like it can die.
ALSO Kefka's been stuffed full of magic. This magic is divine, and the gods it's from are, if not EVIL EVIL EVIL, so alien that they come across as such (which we know since they cause an apocalypse, turn people into monsters and make them fight for shits and giggles, and let Kefka join them) so Crowley can sense that 1. this magic is helping Kefka down the path of baby-punting evil and 2. the gods are eeeeevil
Can Crowley cause small technological annoyances: Oooh yes. It'll take a bit for it to piss him off, but once it does he'll haul off on a technician and anyone else in radius, and that'll echo on and on like a broken phone line in London at noon...don't break any boss robot monsters, though, we need them for canon :x (also, the tech in his country is powered by a combination of magic and technology, if that makes any differences!)
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