In case you're interested in my daily activities...
- 02:08 Photo: mistress-triple: #
- 02:10 Photo: sookehismine: #
- 02:13 AHHHH my tumblr was raped by Harry Potter and Kpop! #
- 03:15 blah, I'm not tired. #
- 03:15 I bet its because I slept 13 hours last night. #
- 03:18 #ifjustinbieberhastalent, then I'm a purple goat that poops lawn gnomes every 108 minutes. #
- 04:15 Omfg birds stop chi
rping when I'm trying to sleep. # - 13:02 It's really nice outside today! I approve of 71 degree weather. :D #
- 13:07 @ PerpetualGrad You should have worn that yesterday! #
- 13:14 FML. The legendland bbalt is due in 3 days and my dad picks now to need my computer to do 24 hours of law classes. #
- 13:15 I'm so sick of this shit. My computer is broken and is just barely operable. Why can't my parents get their own fucking laptop? #
- 13:18 Better yet, why cant they use my precious brother's? #
- 13:19 And now my dad is bitching about how it's slow and he can't take it downstairs. TOO FUCKING BAD. Pay to fix it or shut the fuck up. #
- 13:27 Photo: fuckyeahmeangirlsmacros: (via fuckyeatrublood, sadaffair) #
- 13:29 Photo: fuckyeahlordoftherings: #
- 17:18 Heading off to work now. At least its cool enough for me to walk to the L. #
- 17:21 Hopefully when I get home my dad will be done with my computer. I want to play Battle For Middle Earth against my brother. #
- 17:21 I'm always Mordor, of course. XD #
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