In case you're interested in my daily activities...
- 01:16 Yay, done with all of my legendland stuff! #
- 01:17 @ kxjakkk WHUT #
- 01:17 @ violensi #drefansucks #
- 01:19 Ugh I think my fever is back... =( #
- 01:19 *takes more meds* #
- 01:22 @ kxjakkk I never really liked him tbh... he seemed like a jerk #
- 03:23 @ KeelanHowell I'll tweet tou tomorrow for it but feel free to poke me if I forget #
- 03:32 Going to bed. I dint feel god still... =( #
- 03:32 At least I can listen to the rain #
- 03:32 I also can't spell #
- 03:38 @ eyeteemonkey YES. #
- 04:03 @ violensi Except he was A FAKE HEALER. *cuddles with Rahl* #
- 04:04 @ ReallyAlly has a follow cost of 738.35 milliscobles. #
- 04:05 Lulz says it would be annoying to follow me. It's because of my #Legendoftheseeker spamming #
- 13:14 *dead* #
- 13:33 @ wmemes I did sleep but now I feel worse. =( #
- 13:34 @ Luinorne YES PLZ kthx #
- 13:34 @ pieeatingchamp It's actually an old pic from a year ago... XD #
- 13:35 @ KathysSong And all turns to silver glass? #
- 13:56 @ KathysSong I love that quote!!! #
- 14:08 @ KathysSong OMG *cuddles him* #
- 14:08 @ Hawt_Ally HOW DARE YOU! #
- 14:10 Why is beaver in the TT's THREE TIMES? Unacceptable. #
- 14:11 @ __ani It's stupid. *shakes fist* #
- 14:51 @ MorbidEclipse wow that's hot. What's it's name? #
- 14:51 I just ate a cranberry muffin. It was delicious. #
- 14:51 @ KeelanHowell cuddle? #
- 14:53 @ Hawt_Ally #
- 15:52 @ Hawt_Ally I need to make gifs from the new ep! SO MUCH HOTNESS. #
- 16:01 @ KeelanHowell OMG MINDFUCK #
- 16:02 I am 51 tweets away from having 6,666 tweets. LULZ #
- 16:10 @ bradcpu Consider it done. XD #
- 17:18 @ KathysSong Oh, so you have the same thing as me? I hope I didn't infect you over the internet. #
- 17:20 @ Hawt_Ally Working on it. XD People have already posted Cara/Kahlan gifs so mine will be mostly Rahl. #
- 17:21 So... I need to get started on those Seeker gifs. *brain iz ded* #
- 17:23 *opens photoshop* #
- 18:04 @ violensi #drefansucks and the only #reason you #pretend to #love him is #because you're #jealous that I have #rahl #
- 18:05 OMG someone is cooking something tasty downstairs... #
- 18:06 Also, I think I might be making too many Rahl gifs. I'm 3 minutes into the ep and I already have four. >.< #
- 19:26 @ burntotears *cries* #
- 19:26 @ kxjakkk WTF #
- 19:30 "Good thing we don't have anything else to do... like, find the Stone of Tears. " - Cara, #LegendoftheSeeker #
- 19:31 @ burntotears You should watch it, though. I cried at the end. #
- 20:42 So... yeah, 17 gifs and I'm only 15 minutes in. I want to destroy the idiots that agreed to cancel this show. #legendoftheseeker #
- 21:03 @ trish1972 OMG yes. Here's a teaser for you: #
- 21:07 #legendoftheseeker should be trending... too bad #BieberRuinedTwitter #
- 21:14 @ trish1972 I usually post a link here, don't worry. It will be a while though... I can't stop myself from giffing every single moment. XD #
- 21:34 @ roh_wyn LMAO! #
- 21:35 @ KeelanHowell OMG. ^_^ #
- 21:53 I miss @WrittenByMikeS's tweets. =( #
- 22:15 @ ActuallyNPH I agree. NorthWORST sucks. #
- 22:16 OMFG my mom needs to gtfo facebook and give me my laptop back #
- 22:17 I don't know why I even bother letting her use my computer anymore. It's really pissing me off. #
- 22:18 @ kxjakkk seriously I'm fucking pissed #
- 22:21 @ burntotears OH HELL NO!!! #
- 22:21 @ kxjakkk I told her I didn't want her on facebook and she started calling me useless and pathetic and saying that she pays for the internet #
- 22:22 @ kxjakkk ... so she should be able to do whatever she wants on my computer whenever she wants to #
- 22:28 @ kxjakkk She finally got off after an HOUR. #
- 22:42 @ ActuallyNPH I love you for calling them Northworst. My mom works for Delta and has been calling it that for AGES. XD #
- 23:02 @ bradcpu Kahlan ankle injury gif, as requested. =) #LegendoftheSeeker #
- 23:47 DONE WITH GIFS! *posting* #
- 23:52 I made 30 gifs from Extinction. IT WAS SO EPIC. #LegendoftheSeeker #
- 23:54 @ pieeatingchamp I am way too obsessed with Rahlsies. >.< #
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