Yayy! Drabbles : D
Title: It’s over
Genre: Angst
Type: Drabble
Pairing: Koyato
Rating: G
Author: Me
Summary: Angsty koyato break-up.
There’s just that little part which makes him feel bad, like he's about to cry. That little intro of the song. He doesn’t know why he feels like that, he just does. Every time he presses that little arrow which represents the play-button and the song starts to play, he feels like there’s a sudden stream of emotions rushing through his body. He feels all sad, helpless but happy at the same time. Like he doesn’t really know if he’s about to cry out of happiness or sadness. No, he doesn’t know.
The song starts to play on his computer and Koyama is filled with that feeling again. But this time he won’t smile and just decide to feel happy instead of sad, this time he isn’t able to choose. The voice singing is soft, like it’s directing the song to a sleepy baby, afraid that it will burst out in tears any second. Koyama does. He cries. The tears slowly finding their way down his cheeks, leaving wet traces along his face. Memories are dancing before his eyes. Memories of him. Koyama have been keeping the sadness inside of him since the break-up, waving it off when someone asks him about it, saying “Nah, I’m okay! I’ll get over it.” He can’t pretend anymore, not when that soft voice forces its way into his ears. He wants to turn the song off but doesn’t, it’s like he finally feels like he has to let all of these feelings out, and the song is kind of helping him.
He just sits like that, in his room, at his wooden chair by the desk, his head buried in his hands, shaking. The tears won’t stop. He sobs and all moments of happiness that the two of them have ever experienced together are swishing through his mind, making him cry even more. He remembers the last night they spent together; they were such a happy couple at that time, not knowing about how they would end up. He remembers Shige’s gentle touch, his fingers attached to his body, the kisses being placed on his neck, the loving voice whispering sweet words every now and then, making him shiver. He’s able to recall the scent of Shige’s smooth body, his messy hair. He can almost see those gentle eyes in front of him, sending him that look. That look Shige would only be giving to Koyama. That Shige-look. It makes Koyama cry even harder, shaking violently. He knew he would be like this as soon as the sadness would reach him, therefore he have tried his best to avoid thinking about it. But he wasn’t able to lock the feelings up anymore. They’re dripping down on his desk instead, making the papers for school wet, the text blurred because of the ink flowing across the page.
It’s over. It’s really over.
Title: Cheating
Genre: Fluff
Type: Drabble
Pairing: Ryotego
Rating: G
Author: Me
Summary: Tegoshi thinks Ryo’s cheating on him with Ueda.
”You can’t be serious!” Ryo exclaims as he stares at Tegoshi in disbelief.
“I’m totally serious! I know there’s something going on between the two of you.” He glares at Ryo with a slight pout.
“I’m not going to listen to this Tegoshi, seriously, I can’t believe you’re actually telling me this stuff.” He turns his back to the boy to walk away but is within a second changing his mind and turns to face the younger one again.
“Seriously?! Me and Ueda?!”
Tegoshi nods, still looking like a little boy whose toy has just been stolen.
“There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, going on between me and Ueada-kun. What made you believe that anyway? I mean… We practically hate each other.”
“What do you mean, exactly?! Stop jumping to conclusions because of facts that don’t even make any sense!” Ryo is quite frustrated and glares at his immature boyfriend.
“Then why are there stories on the internet about you?”
“What? Wait, Tegoshi… Please don’t tell me that you…” - “I found a whole bunch of stories about you doing things to him I don’t even want to think about!”
Tegoshi’s face is turning a slight shade of pink, whether it’s because of the thought about Ryo doing inappropriate things to Ueda, or because of getting upset, Ryo really can’t tell, he just sighs and scratches his forehead.
“Tegoshi…” He speaks in a bothered voice “If you believe those stories, I’d be screwing every guy at the Jimusho. Not only Ueda.”
Tegoshi opens his mouth as if he’s going to come with further objections, but closes it again and remains silent as his gaze drops to the floor in a somewhat embarrassed way.
Ryo just sighs loudly.
He pulls him into a loose embrace and places a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re really stupid sometimes, you know that?”
“Not more stupid than Koyama.” Tegoshi mumbles against the crook of Ryo’s neck.
“Sometimes you are.”
“I’m not! And what if you really would be screwing all the guys at the jimusho?”
“Tegoshi…” Ryo pulls them apart and frowns at the boy. “Do you actually believe I would be dating you if I had the chance to do it with Yamapi? Or Jin? Or even Kimura Takuya?”
Tegoshi’s jaws drops and the stubborn look suddenly transforms into a really sad kind of face.
“You wouldn’t…” he whispers, eyes already starting to tear up.
“Take it easy, I’m just kidding. Geez, you really are an idiot sometimes.” Ryo laughs.
“But I love you for being one. You’re my little idiot.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The koyato fic was kind of based on my own feelings while listening to HY's 366 nichi. I know it didn't really make any sense but... yeah, sorry for that. And the Ryotego was something that just popped into my mind when I thought of the possibility of Johnny's reading fanfics. It would be kinda funny ne~~
Thank you for reading, comments are love~~ ^.^V