Hello everyone,
Us mods have had a chance to talk and we've set up a few more guidelines and other things that will help this community.
- Any post that doesn't have pictures will be deleted immediately. This includes posts that you intend to add pictures to later. If you are having problems posting pictures, please look at the user information for links that will show you how to do so.
- If you post more than 1 picture showing in your entry without a cut (or if your cut coding didn't work) and receive a comment from a mod telling you to add or fix your lj cut, you have 24 hours to fix it or your post will be deleted. If you are actively trying to fix it and still can't, please let the mods know and we will try to find a way to help you. We do not want to delete any wedding pictures since that is what this community is all about, but we do not want to flood people's friends lists with huge picture posts either.
- Only mods can now create new tags. Everyone can still add existing tags to entries, you just cannot create new ones. We're doing this try and keep the tags organized. We don't want to have both "color: red" and "red" for example. If there is a tag you want to add that is not already on the list, let a mod know and we will likely add it to the list.
- Speaking of letting mods know about things...the mods now have an email address to contact us at: rlw.mods@gmail.com. Please contact us if you have any questions or if there is anything else you want to talk to the mods about, please do not hesitate to contact us. You all, all of the members, are the reason this community is here and why we're going to try to do things to keep this community great.
- Starting soon we're going to try to start some weekly themes for posts. Eg: first kiss, cake, father daughter dance...etc. If you have any ideas for themes, comment here. Of course, you're always more than free to post pictures that are not related to the weekly theme. All pictures are always welcome as long as they have to do with real weddings.
So if you have questions about any of this, comment here, or send an email to the mods.
One last thing, you all have noticed the number of posts have reduced the last day or two. This is because we are no longer in the LJ spotlight. Just thought you'd all like to know.
Thanks for listening and keep up the fabulous posts,