Apr 02, 2009 23:03
Did you know this month is blog every day month? Though I found out a day late I'm decidedly going to do it. I think it's important to write every day, even if its mundane and trivial.
My life as of late...
My poetry teacher called one of my poems beautiful today... and then she also kind of insulted it. There isn't really any pleasing this woman, and mostly the stuff she tells me to change is the stuff I like the best anyways. Buddy loves me, as do all male English professors. I seriously think Chris Arigo has a big student crush on me. I ran into him at the Ilya Kaminsky reading and he made a very embarassing scene about how much he misses having me in class, all the while Linda Russo was shooting me dirty looks.
As for the men not teaching me... namely Austin. Well that didn't work out. Basically the hot and cold act, turned into a cold act because he has a girlfriend. She also happens to be six years older than him. Yes, an 18 year old freshman dumped me for a 24 year old sophomore grad student, sick. I'm pretty much 100% certain that there was some serious overlap there, but I just don't care enough to be a bitch about it. Especially since I run into him everywhere now, it's just easier to play nice.